
Last updated on June 4, 2021

Taxis can be a convenient, but expensive mode of transportation. Learn about your rights as a taxis passenger and find out about programs that can save you on taxi costs.

Metro Vancouver Taxi Bill of Rights

The Taxi Bill of Rights, intended to improve service for Metro Vancouver taxi passengers, includes your right to:

  • A courteous driver who provides assistance, if requested,
  • Travel with an assistance dog or portable mobility aid, and
  • A taxi that is clean, smoke-free, and in good repair.

To learn more, see:

Taxi Saver Programs


If you’re eligible for HandyCard, you may also be able to take part in the TransLink TaxiSaver Program. This program allows you to buy TaxiSaver coupons by mail or through the Compass Customer Service office to save 50 per cent on the cost of taxi fares. For information on the TransLink TaxiSaver Program:

Call: 604-953-3680

BC Transit

For information on BC Transit HandyDART and Taxi Saver services, select your region from:

Then click "Rider Info" and look for the HandyDART section. The Taxi Saver information is located on the same page.