Child Care Resource and Referral

Last updated on June 24, 2024

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) service providers make it easier for families to find and access responsive and inclusive quality licensed and registered child care by providing information, support, resources and referral services to families across the province.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care provides funding to CCRR service providers, which work in partnership with the Province to improve the access to affordable, quality and inclusive child care in all B.C. communities.

Locate your CCRR

CCRR programs enhance the availability and accessibility of a range of child care options and services and build relationships within the child care sector to support the advancement of the ChildCareBC Plan.

To learn more about how CCRR service providers support families, child care providers and the workforce, click on the individual buttons below for additional information.

  • Child care provider - a person or organization operating any location in which child care is provided
  • Child care workforce - staff who provide child care, and includes early childhood educators, early childhood educator assistants and responsible adults

Learn more about CCRR Lending Libraries

CCRR programs create and maintain an inclusive and diverse lending library that reflects regional and community demographics. 

Lending Libraries may include items such as toys, books available in multiple languages, cultural items, inclusive equipment, Indigenous-focused resources, and textbooks and other educational resources for the child care workforce and child care providers. 

Find your local Child Care Resource and Referral service provider to inquire about their Lending Library services.