Lower Fraser River White Sturgeon Plan

Last updated on November 26, 2024

The B.C. Fraser River White Sturgeon Plan began in 2021. Read scientific papers, timelines and area specific reports about the recovery of Lower Fraser River White Sturgeon.

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Significant dates in the White Sturgeon timeline

  • 2021: Start of the current B.C. Fraser River Basin White Sturgeon Plan
  • 2020: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Lower Fraser Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) 
  • 2018: Implementation of voluntary closure areas for sport fishing during spawn period. Recreational angling licence sales peaked at over 18,000 
  • 2014: DFO Recovery strategy for all White Sturgeon populations 
  • 2012: Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) grouped Middle and Upper Fraser areas and assessed the Lower Fraser as threatened, Species at Risk Act (SARA) listing decisions yet to come 
  • 2008: Conservation surcharge added to recreational catch-and-release fishery in non-tidal waters. Proceeds go to Habitat Conservation Trust Fund for sturgeon projects on the Lower and Middle Fraser River 
  • 2006: DFO SARA with no legal listing for Lower and Middle. Technical and Community Working Groups established (developed priority habitat maps, activity prioritization and tracking schedule)  
  • 2000: Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society (FRSCS) initiated stewardship role 
  • 1995-1999: RL&L systematic sampling derives White Sturgeon population estimate for entire Fraser River 
  • 1994: Harvest fishery closed-and-catch and release fishery started. First Nation voluntary moratorium on harvest fishery
  • 1993 and 1994: Unexplained deaths of numerous large adult sturgeon, mostly mature females 
  • ​1897: Commercial harvest peaked at 500,000 kg followed by a rapid decline after 1915 

White Sturgeon scientific studies

juvenile white sturgeon released into the fraser river