Natural resource compliance reports and statistics

Last updated on May 14, 2024

The Compliance and Enforcement Branch (CEB) Annual Reports provide insight into the array of tools and options Natural Resource Officers use to deal with alleged contraventions to British Columbia's (B.C.'s) natural resource laws.

Compliance and enforcement in the natural resource sector

Natural resource activities in B.C. are regulated by a wide range of legislation. The Compliance and Enforcement (CEB) annual reports provide information on the compliance and enforcement activities conducted relating to the following Acts and their associated regulations:

  • Forest Act
  • Range Act
  • Wildfire Act
  • Forest and Range Practices Act
  • Land Act
  • Water Sustainability Act
  • Heritage Conservation Act

The annual reports detail how CEB ensures the efficient delivery of services through well-established priorities and supports important provincial-wide initiatives, such as emergency response efforts and reconciliation through genuine collaborations with our First Nations and Indigenous partners.

Annual reports

To report known or suspected violations of fisheries, wildlife, or environmental protection laws, see the How to report section on the Report All Poachers and Polluters page.

'Misuse' includes inappropriate or dangerous use of fire, water, timber, roads or any type of activity that could have a negative impact on publicly held (Crown) land.

Water inspections
A NRO conducts an inspection that requires boat only access

Natural Resource Officers often inspect timber operations, timber storage and transportation facilities, foreshore developments and water authorizations by boat.