First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund

Last updated on March 20, 2025

The First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund (FNCEBF) promotes increased Indigenous community participation in the clean energy sector within their asserted traditional territories and treaty areas.

The fund provides agreements between the B.C. Government and successful applicants for Capacity funding and  Equity funding. It also provides revenue sharing agreements between the B.C. Government and eligible First Nations.

The Clean Energy Act, June 3, 2010, enabled the creation of the FNCEBF. On April 1, 2024, responsibility for administering the fund was transferred from the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation to the Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions to leverage the Ministry’s clean energy expertise. No provincial obligations have been altered because of this transfer.

Update: Next FNCEBF intake will be April 2025

The next FNCEBF intake will be April 2025. Deadline to submit applications is April 30, 2025. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

FNCEBF Re-setting $50,000 Capacity Funding Limit

The clean energy landscape in BC has shifted and evolved greatly since the inception of the FNCEBF. As such, many of the capacity building projects and feasibility studies funded through the FNCEBF may no longer align effectively with the current clean energy landscape. In 2021, the $50,000 lifetime maximum was reset, meaning communities that have reached the $50,000 maximum prior to 2021 have the opportunity to re-apply for capacity funding.


Fund eligibility criteria restricts applicants to Indigenous communities in British Columbia falling into one of the following categories:

  1. A First Nation “band” as defined by the Indian Act (Canada);
  2. An Indigenous governing body, however organized and established by Indigenous peoples.

In addition, the proposed project must be located in British Columbia.

Funding Categories

As an applicant, ensure all steps in the application process are completed, which includes completing the Application Worksheet for each category of funding. Applicants are recommended to review the qualifications and requirements of each funding category prior to submission.

Capacity Funding

Funding to assist with clean energy project feasibility studies, community energy planning or engaging with project proponents. Funding will be provided to enable an applicant to engage with project proponents, including undertaking financial analysis of potential projects prior to taking equity positions in a Project and reviewing development potential within their territories.

*Consideration for increased support may be accepted where multiple projects are proposed for development within a single applicant’s traditional territory.

Fund Appropriation

Limited to a maximum of $50,000 per eligible applicant.


Equity Funding

Funding to support a financially viable and resourced clean energy project with an Energy Purchase Agreement.

Fund Appropriation

Maximum total grant is $500,000 per applicant – regardless of the number of potential projects in the applicant’s traditional territory.


  •  FNCEBF Clean Energy Equity Funding Application Updated March 2025.
  • Key project tasks may include but are not limited to:
    • Business plan
    • Permitting
    • Financing
    • Interconnection agreement signed
    • Major equipment ordered
    • Commenced construction
    • Begin commissioning
    • Final design

Revenue Sharing

The Province sets up revenue sharing agreements with First Nations where there are provincial water and/or land rentals from clean energy projects that impact their territory.

Revenue sharing with applicants is based on provincial resource rents (land and water rentals):

The term of revenue sharing will last only as long as the project is operating and generating the prescribed revenues to the provincial government.

Revenue Sharing Structure

55% of new incremental water and land rentals issued after June 3, 2010 for any one project will be deposited into the FNCEBF. A total of 68.18% of those deposited funds will be directly shared with First Nations whose territory may be impacted by a clean energy project, which is a total of approximately 37.5% of the deposited rentals. The remaining 17.5% will remain in the fund to further support capacity and equity grants.


When projects are identified as eligible for revenue sharing, Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions staff will contact those First Nations whose asserted territories overlap with the project to discuss the possibility of a revenue sharing agreement.