Preliminary strategic climate risk assessment

Last updated on July 25, 2024

The Province completed a Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment for B.C. in 2019. This was a first step to better understand climate-related risks in B.C. and help the Province develop appropriate measures to address those risks.

Key findings in 2019

The 2019 Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment evaluated the likelihood of 15 climate risk events that could occur in B.C. along with their health, social, economic and environmental consequences. It is the first report of its kind in Canada to examine provincial-scale climate risks. The assessment found:

  • The greatest risks to B.C. were severe wildfire season, seasonal water shortage, heat wave, ocean acidification, glacier loss, and long-term water shortage
  • Other risks identified that could result in significant consequences included severe river flooding and severe coastal storm surge
  • Nearly every risk event scenario would have major province-wide consequences in at least one category

The Province is working cross-ministry with First Nations, local governments, and other partners to better understand and prepare for emerging climate risks.

The Preliminary Strategic Risk Assessment is not intended to be used as a prediction of future events. Instead, it is a tool to evaluate the likelihood and potential consequences of each event happening in the future to understand the degree of risk each poses for B.C. to help government prepare.

Learn more about upcoming disaster and climate risk and resilience assessments.

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