Bulletin 25-02: Liquor Primary licences for outdoor event venues

Publication date: January 16, 2025

Who's impacted

These changes apply to the following: 

  • Special event permittees with outdoor event venues
  • Liquor Primary licensees with outdoor event venues

What's changing

The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch is introducing new Liquor Primary (LP) terms and conditions and policies related to outdoor event venues. These changes create a consistent licensing framework to support outdoor event venues that hold frequent Special Event Permits (SEPs) throughout the year. 

An outdoor event venue is an outdoor premise, that holds public events such as music and arts festivals, live concerts, and large-scale events. An outdoor event venue is not required to have a permanent structure (i.e., building).

The changes mean venues that previously hosted several events under multiple SEPs now have the option to apply for a permanent LP licence.

This change to the LP licence terms and conditions is reflected in the updated:

Helpful information

A Liquor Primary (LP)  licensee with an outdoor event-driven venue does not need to apply to change their licence but must follow the rules and procedures outlined in the LP Licence Handbook (Special Rules section) and the Liquor Policy Manual (section 3.4.5).

A licensee or applicant that does not have an LP licence and would like to apply for one can apply through the liquor and cannabis licensing portal. There is no deadline or expiry date.

  • New LP applications require input from the relevant local government or First Nation, which can increase application processing times.


Bulletins are for general information and may not apply to all situations. Bulletins do not constitute legal advice nor are they a comprehensive statement of the legal obligations that arise under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, regulations, or any other applicable laws.

When interpreting and applying the information contained in the Bulletins, you are encouraged to seek advice from your professional advisors as appropriate in the circumstances.



If you have questions about this policy change, email  LCRBLiquorPolicy@gov.bc.ca