Bulletin 24-05: Agents and liquor clubs

Last updated on June 7, 2024

Who's impacted

These changes apply to the following licence: 

  • Agent

What's changing

Agents are now allowed to solicit, receive, or take orders from non-profit liquor clubs. A “liquor club” is a non-profit group or association of private individuals who band together because of their appreciation of liquor. Non-profit liquor clubs generally don’t have a liquor licence.

Previously, the Agent Terms and Conditions only allowed agents to solicit orders from licensees and government liquor stores.

For example, a non-profit liquor club can now use the services of an agent to import products that are not currently available in B.C.

Helpful information

Agent licensees don’t need to apply for this change to take effect.

Read all about the changes in the:


Bulletins are for general information and may not apply to all situations. Bulletins do not constitute legal advice nor are they a comprehensive statement of the legal obligations that arise under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, regulations, or any other applicable laws.

When interpreting and applying the information contained in the Bulletins, you are encouraged to seek advice from your professional advisors as appropriate in the circumstances.



If you have questions about this policy change, email  LCRBLiquorPolicy@gov.bc.ca