Public online registry

Last updated on March 21, 2025

The public online registry provides information about teachers (or certificate holders). This includes the status of their teaching certificate or letter of permission and any record of disciplinary action. 

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You can search the registry to find out the type of certificate a teacher holds, the validity status, and any historical changes to the status. 

Types of B.C. teaching certificates

To teach in the public and independent school systems in B.C., educators need a teaching certificate. There are different types of teaching certificates:  

Types of certificate status

The status of an individual's certificate can change throughout their career. The online registry will show any change in the history of the status. 

Status type Description of certificate status type
Cancelled - Capacity The certification has been cancelled as the result of a finding or admission related to the capacity and/or competence of the certificate holder.
Cancelled - CRRA The certification has been cancelled due to failure to provide full criminal record check authorization as required by the Criminal Records Review Act and under the Teachers Act.
Cancelled - CRRA Determination of Risk The certification has been cancelled. The Deputy Registrar under the Criminal Records Review Act has determined that the certificate holder presents a risk to children.
Cancelled - Discipline The certification has been cancelled as a result of disciplinary proceedings.
Cancelled - Non-Payment of Costs The certification has been cancelled because the legal costs from a disciplinary proceeding were not paid.
No Reissue of Certificate - Discipline An agreement or determination of a disciplinary proceeding that no certificate would be issued for an indefinite or definite period.
Relinquishment - Discipline Certification voluntarily surrendered as the result of a disciplinary proceeding.
Reprimand - Discipline A formal admonishment as a result of disciplinary proceedings.
Rescinded Certification is revoked as a result of new information relating to inappropriate conduct of the certificate holder that occurred prior to the issuance of the certificate, which was not disclosed to the Director of Certification at the time of application.
Sanction Pending An agreement or determination of a disciplinary proceeding that a sanction would be imposed at a time in the future.
Suspended - CRRA (5 yrs) Authorization to teach temporarily suspended due to failure to provide the five-year criminal record check authorization, as required by the Criminal Records Review Act and pursuant to the Teachers Act.
Suspended - CRRA (new charges) Authorization to teach temporarily suspended due to failure to provide the criminal record check authorization, as required by the Criminal Records Review Act.
Suspended - Discipline Authorization to teach temporarily suspended for a set or indeterminate period as a result of disciplinary proceedings.
Suspended - Inquiry Authorization to teach temporarily suspended during the course of an inquiry into the conduct or competence of the certificate holder pursuant to section 50 of the Teachers Act.
Suspended - Non-Payment of Fees Authorization to teach temporarily suspended because the annual practice fee was not paid, as required by the Teachers Act.
Suspended - Non-Payment of Costs Authorization to teach temporarily suspended because the legal costs from a disciplinary proceeding were not paid.
Undertaking Not to Practice - Inquiry Certification valid, but certificate holder has signed an undertaking not to practise pending resolution of a matter before the Commissioner or a hearing panel under Part 6 of the Teachers Act.
Undertaking/Conditions - Discipline

Limitations and/or conditions have been placed on the certification as a result of disciplinary proceedings.