Health & Safety

Last updated on May 6, 2021

School districts and independent school authorities should have the necessary plans in place to be able to shift between stages if and when required.

Last update: May 06, 2021

On this page:

NoteStage-specific health and safety expectations are subject to change further to updated public health guidance from the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control.

Stage 1

  • Regular health and safety policies and procedures  

Stage 2

  • Physical distancing (2M) for staff and for Middle and Secondary School students when interacting outside of their learning groups.
  • Hand hygiene upon school entry and before/after breaks and eating, using washroom and using gym/playground equipment
  • Visitor access during school hours prioritized to those entering to support activities that benefit student learning and well-being
  • After hours community use of facilities allowed in alignment with other health and safety measures

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting:
    • General cleaning and disinfecting of school premises at least once in a 24-hour period
    • Cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces at least twice in 24 hours, including at least once during regular school hours 
  • Additional hand hygiene stations and provision of regular opportunities for students and staff to practice hand hygiene
  • Floor markings, signage and education to support physical distancing, hand hygiene and other behaviours that reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19
  • Any student or staff who has symptoms of COVID-19 OR has travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days OR was identified as a close contact of a confirmed case or outbreak must stay home and self-isolate, including children of essential service workers
  • Daily assessment of children for symptoms by parents/caregivers, and staff self-assessment - students and staff stay home if symptomatic
  • For Elementary School students:
    • Minimize physical contact within learning groups or when outdoors.
    • Physical distancing (2M) when interacting outside of their learning groups while indoors.
  • Personal Protective Equipment:
    • Non-medical masks or face coverings are required for all K-12 staff, visitors and students in grades 4 to 12[2] when inside a school, except when eating/drinking, a barrier is present, or while engaging in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask (e.g. playing a wind instrument).
    • Exceptions will also be made for individuals who cannot tolerate masks for health or behavioural reasons
    • Students and staff will each be given two re-useable face masks
  • Student transportation on buses:
    • Use consistent and assigned seating arrangements; support buses being loaded from back to front and offloaded from front to back
    • School bus drivers and students in grades 4 to 12 are required to wear non-medical masks[2]
  • Site committees and Joint Health and Safety committees in place and meeting regularly, including prior to any transitions between stages

Stage 3 to 4

  • Physical distancing (2M) for staff and Middle and Secondary School students at all times
  • Enhanced hand hygiene protocols and supplies
  • Limit visitor access, no non-essential[1] (as determined by the Board or independent school authority) community use of school facilities

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting:
    • General cleaning and disinfecting of school premises at least once in a 24-hour period
    • Cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces at least twice in 24 hours, including at least once during regular school hours 
  • Additional hand hygiene stations and provision of regular opportunities for students and staff to practice hand hygiene
  • Floor markings, signage and education to support physical distancing, hand hygiene and other behaviours that reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19
  • Any student or staff who has symptoms of COVID-19 OR has travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days OR was identified as a close contact of a confirmed case or outbreak must stay home and self-isolate, including children of essential service workers
  • Daily assessment of children for symptoms by parents/caregivers, and staff self-assessment - students and staff stay home if symptomatic
  • For Elementary School students:
    • Minimize physical contact within learning groups or when outdoors
    • Physical distancing (2M) when interacting outside of their learning groups while indoors
  • Personal Protective Equipment:
    • Non-medical masks or face coverings are required for all K-12 staff, visitors and students in grades 4 to 12[2] when inside a school, except when eating/drinking, a barrier is present, or while engaging in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask (e.g. playing a wind instrument)
    • Exceptions will also be made for individuals who cannot tolerate masks for health or behavioural reasons
    • Students and staff will each be given two re-useable face masks
  • Student transportation on buses:
    • Use consistent and assigned seating arrangements; support buses being loaded from back to front and offloaded from front to back
    • School bus drivers and students in grades 4 to 12 are required to wear non-medical masks[2]
  • Site committees and Joint Health and Safety committees in place and meeting regularly, including prior to any transitions between stages

Stage 5

No students in schools.

[1] As determined by the Board or independent school authority.

[2]Students in Grades K to 3 are encouraged to wear a mask indoors in schools and on school buses, but are not required to do so - mask wearing remains a personal or family/caregiver choice for these students, and their choices must be respected.