Data Distribution Services

Last updated on June 24, 2024

Find out how and where BC Government data can be downloaded for local use. 

Data distribution services include direct download of the following:

  • Packaged content data exactly as it is provided
  • Configurable content data where you have control over things like output projection and the file format

For both packaged and configurable content, once the data is downloaded, the user will have a snapshot of dataset at the time of download. This may need to be repeated as the data changes within B.C. government systems.

Download configurable content

Downloading configurable content requires the system to complete the following:

  • Extract the data from the BC Geographic Warehouse
  • Clip the data if requested
  • Reproject the data
  • Export it into the requested file format

This process may take considerable time depending on the data ordered and the system backlog.

How to export datasets from the B.C. Geographic Warehouse


Export configured datasets with the BC Data Catalogue

Locate the dataset record within the BC Data Catalogue containing the data you wish to export.

  1. Open the dataset record

  2. Under Resources (right hand list) look for a card titled ...BC Geographic Warehouse (custom download) you can either:

    1. Select Access/Download on the card, or

    2.  Click the resource title then click the Access/Download from the tool bar

  3. A shopping cart will pop up (must enable pop-ups)

  4. Next, expand the Set Current Order Details options drop down for final steps


  • After placing an order, users will receive two emails; one indicating that the data request has been submitted and another providing a link to where the assembled data can be retrieved

  • See What email notifications will I receive? below for examples


Export configured datasets with iMapBC

A video tutorial is available - go to Downloading data from within iMapBC.

Use the appropriate link to start iMapBC: Public iMapBC | Secure iMapBC (requires IDIR or Business BCeID)

  1. Click the I want to… blue button to select datasets to visualize and/or download

  2. Select the Add Provincial Layers menu option

  3. Navigate and select the check box of desired datasets

  4. Click the Export tab along the top toolbar

  5. Select the Provincial Layer Download option

    • Toggle off datasets that are not to be downloaded but are added to the map

    • For datasets that are only visible in iMap but not downloadable they will not show up in the list when the Export tab is clicked

      • To confirm security always review the metadata record. To get to it from a presentation:

        • On the lower left Layers tab click on the > and scroll down and click Metadata URL or see the iMapBC Training Manual for more information

  6. Click the Prepare Order… button

  7. Next, expand the Set Current Order Details options drop down for final steps


  • After placing an order, users will receive two emails; one indicating that the data request has been submitted and another providing a link to where the assembled data can be retrieved

  • See What email notifications will I receive? below for examples


Set Current Order Details options

Both the BCDC and iMapBC present a pop-up form into which you need to specify download parameters:

  1. Coordinate System
    • Spatial data can be delivered in various map projections
  2. Format
    • Output file format can be selected as best suites your needs
    • Options are Shapefile (.shp), File Geodatabase (.fgdb), CSV, and GeoJSON
    • Note: CSV will only provide attribute data except for point data files, which will include coordinates in the resulting file
  3. Area of Interest

    • You may wish to set an AOI to a specific project area or be required to set if the resultant dataset will be larger than 2GB (the % of Max: will be set higher than 100% )
      • ​Image indicating exceeded limit of data for download.

    • You have the following options to set an AOI :​

    1. Draw a Custom AOI
      • If a feature has too many vertices it will use the bounding box of the area
      • Image showing Draw a Custom Area of Interest options.
      1. Draw a Custom AOI
        1. Visually  - Draw an area of interest
          1. Click the Draw a Custom AOI and a special tool will open up
          2. Choose a shape to draw an AOI over the map (a rectangle is the simplest)
          3. Click the Next button to take you back to the order page
          4. Proceed to Clipping
        2. Visually - Select a feature from a Provincial dataset out of the BC Geographic Warehouse
          1. Click the Draw a Custom AOI and a special tool will open up
          2. Click on the tool icon on the upper right to expand the toolbar
          3. Click Add Provincial Layers
          4. Search for or navigate to dataset
          5. Check dataset and click OK
          6. Zoom into the area of the feature
          7. Select the point tool and click on the feature
          8. Click Next in the left panel
          9. Check Select an exist polygon from a layer on the map and click next
          10. Click Submit AOI or Remove or Add More Polygons
          11. Proceed to Clipping
      2. ​Zipped Shapefile
        • ​Limit - the number of coordinate pairs or vertices must be less than 2000
          1. Click the Choose file… button
          2. Navigate to the zipped shapefile, should contain files with extensions like, but not limited to: shp, shx, dbf and prj
          3. Click the Okay button
          4. Proceed to Clipping
    2. GeoMark
      • Enter a Geomark
      • See this page for more info.
      • Proceed to Clipping
    3. Mapsheet

      For accepted value examples:

      • If you do not know what mapsheet the area you want to select is in, you can use this direct link to identify the mapsheet number in iMapBC

        • 82F (a single mapsheet)

        • 82F044 (a single letter block)

        • 82F, 82F (one or more mapsheets and/or letter blocks separated by commas)

      • Proceed to Clipping

  4. Clipping: 

    1. On : All data features that overlap the Area of Interest (AOI) will be included, but each will be clipped so that they do not extend outside the AOI.

    2. Off : All data features that overlap the Area of Interest (AOI) will be included, in their entirety. They will not be clipped to the AOI boundary

  5. Included Layers

    • If a dataset is no longer desired click the red X and it will be removed from your cart. .Image showing how to remove a layer from download request.
  6. Add Email address where to send notification

  7. Check off the Terms and Conditions check box

  8. Click the Submit Order button

    • This button will not highlight until the email address and Terms and Conditions have been addressed
  9. Click the Continue button



When downloading this data you will be asked to provide your email. The system will email you to inform you that the order was received and when the order is ready. 

The B.C. Government does not share your email except where it relates to data distribution services and the data you have downloaded.

Applications for downloading data

You can download data for local use from the following applications:

  • BC Data Catalogue - Packaged content and configurable spatial and tabular content from the BC Geographic Warehouse
  • iMapBC Public and Secure - Configurable spatial content from the BC Geographic Warehouse

Contact us

Submit feedback, request more information, or get help through the Data Systems and Services request system.