Data management and research

The B.C. government holds a vast amount of data. Government has the duty to protect and manage this data and ensure it is accurate, reliable and a valuable resource for research, analysis and decision making.

Data is collected, managed and used through government programs. BC Stats, DataBC, GeoBC and the new Data Innovation Program are examples of data programs that support all ministries. B.C. has adopted a model of good data governance: read the Data Custodianship Guidelines created by the BC Data Council.

Services and information topics


DataBC encourages and enables the strategic management and sharing of data across the government enterprise and with the public. It is responsible for the BC Data Catalogue, the Open Data Policy and associated products and services.

BC Stats

BC Stats is the provincial government's leader in statistical and economic research, information and analysis. We can help you increase overall business performance by providing the information you need to make effective decisions.

GeoBC Media Vault

GeoBC creates and manages geospatial information and products to help better manage natural resources in British Columbia. As well as sharing in the BC Data Catalogue, GeoBC maintains media that is available by request.