Highway Maintenance Agreement

Last updated on November 22, 2022

The highway maintenance agreement outlines the services to be provided, standards of work, and terms of payment. The active maintenance agreement for any particular highway maintenance service area depends on when the contract began.

Agreement 2018/2019 and 2021

The 2018-19 highway maintenance agreement applies to service areas where the contract started in 2018/2019 and 2021. The main body of the agreement describes the services to be provided by the contractor in general terms.

Schedules 2018-2019

The 2018-19 schedules support or expand on information provided in the main body of the 2018-19 agreement, described above.

Agreement 2016

The 2016 highway maintenance agreement applies only to Service Area 11 - East Kootenay until August 31, 2023.

Agreement 2003-2004

The 2003-04 highway maintenance agreement is no longer in use in any service areas. The main body of the agreement describes the services contractors provided, in general terms, from 2003-04 until the 2018/19 and 2021 agreements commenced.

Schedules 2003-2004

The 2003-04 schedules support or expand on information provided in the main body of the 2003-04 agreement, described above.









Report a Problem
Report a Problem on B.C. Highways

Report a problem such as pot holes, highway or bridge damage, sign damage, pavement marking, drainage problems, road debris or an animal carcass.

You can also report electrical problems like overhead signs, street lights, pedestrian lighting, and signals that are out or damaged.

Contact information

Contact ministry staff or contractors about highway infrastructure maintenance services or contracting.