Provincial Funding for French Language Services

Last updated on May 3, 2024


The provincial funding for French language services supports Francophone and Francophile non-profit organizations with the implementation of initiatives that will improve the lives of French-speaking British Columbians. Learn more about the projects supported from 2018 to 2023 (PDF).


Organizations eligible to apply must:

  • Be a B.C. registered not-for-profit organization providing a service or program to B.C. Francophones and/or Francophiles
  • Demonstrate their capacity to deliver the project
  • Demonstrate the financial sustainability of the project
  • Only one project per eligible applicant can be submitted

Funding Criteria

Eligible projects must:

  • Align with B.C. government priorities:
    • Investing in people
    • Strengthening communities
    • Supporting jobs
  • Respond to a Francophone community need
  • Show a diversity of revenue streams
  • Demonstrate that administrative expenses do not exceed 10% of the total value of the project
  • Describe how the project will reach its target audience(s)
  • Describe expected measurable results

Preference may be given to projects that:

  • Provide direct benefits to Francophones and/or Francophiles
  • Are delivered in collaboration with other non-profit organizations
  • Reach a broad geographic area
  • Encourage a diverse and inclusive community
  • Generate knowledge or resources that will be shared with others

Other considerations

  • Preference may be given to applicants who have not previously received funding under this Fund
  • A geographic distribution lens may be applied in the decision-making process
  • Of all eligible projects, those requesting up to $50,000 from the Fund may be prioritized, as well as those that focus on the following themes: mental health, wellness and/or labour market (recruitment, training, retention)

Application Process

All information entered on the application form needs to relate exclusively to your organization. 

  • Personal information should not be entered on the form
  • Please refrain from providing any unique personal identifiers pertaining to other private citizens or third-parties

If your organization and project are eligible for funding, fill out the application form (PDF). Please submit your budget following the instructions outlined in Section 4 of the application form. If you have any questions, please contact us before submitting your application.

En Français?

Pour accéder à l’information en français.

En Français

Contact information

If you wish to contact us, we will gladly serve you in French or English.