Landmark Kilometre Inventory

Last updated on February 10, 2025

The Landmark Kilometre Inventory (LKI) is one of the systems used for identifying locations on the provincial highway network. It has been in use since before 1978.

The LKI location code is one of the ways the police report crash locations on provincial highways. The Collision Information System (CIS) is based upon the LKI. 

How the LKI Works

The LKI divides the highway network into segments. Each segment has a four-digit identifier, and a designated start and end point. A segment may consist of one or both sides (directions) of a highway. Landmarks such as intersections and bridges along each segment are listed, along with the measured distance from the start of the segment, and a landmark type code. The Excel and database versions of the LKI also include highway classification and landmark geographic location data.

KM Posts

Km posts exist on some BC highways, or portions of highways.  These km posts are  included as landmarks in the LKI.  In some cases, e.g. highway 19, the km on the post is the distance from the start of the highway.  The kms assigned to landmarks in the LKI are NOT related to the kms on the km posts.  However starting with LKI version 202207b released in November 2022, the Excel version of the LKI Landmark table has a new column called KmPost_Km.   For LKI segments which have sufficient km posts, the KmPost_Km on each landmark is a km interpolated between the kms shown on the spanning km posts.  Where there are insufficient km posts, the KmPost_Km is blank.

LKI Versions

The LKI is revised on an ongoing basis, and new versions are published usually once a year. 

When a segment is revised, it is given a new segment number if the Km of any its landmarks has changed.   This makes it clear that a Segment-Km location code with an old segment number refers to the old LKI version. Transformation data is maintained so that location codes can be transformed between LKI versions.  The Collision Information System, for example, uses the transformation data to maintain all its collision locations in a single version of the LKI.

Each version is given a version number in the form yyyymm - the year and month the version was released.  For a minor revision, which has no LKI segment renumbering, the version number is the last major version number with a letter  appended (e.g. 202207b).

B.C. LKI 202407 - July 2024

B.C. LKI 202307 - July 2023

B.C. LKI 202207b - Nov 2022

This is a minor revision of LKI 202207, with no segment renumbering.  It has highway classification improvements, some landmark additions and deletions, and KmPost Kms (described above) added in the Excel version.

B.C. LKI 202207 - July 2022

B.C. LKI 202107 - July 2021

B.C. LKI 202007 - July 2020

B.C. LKI 201907 - July 2019

Revision History

See the LKI Revision History (PDF) for details of the changes in each release.


Questions About LKI

Email to:

  • Ask questions about the LKI
  • Obtain older versions of the LKI
  • Obtain LKI data in database format
  • Report errors or omissions in the LKI
  • Discuss bulk transformations of LKI locations from one LKI version to another

Contact information

PO BOX 9850
Victoria BC V8W 9T5