Anti-racism initiatives

Last updated on March 3, 2025

Racism can take many forms and is often implicit in our attitudes, behaviours, beliefs and values. It's up to all of us to take a collaborative approach to challenge and prevent racism and hate in the community.

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Supports and learning topics

WelcomeBC - Culture and human rights

WelcomeBC provides detailed information on B.C.'s culture and systems.

For more information about Human Rights, read the 'Legal System, Government and Immigration' section in the B.C. Newcomers' Guide:  B.C. Newcomers' Guide - Human rights (PDF, 7MB)

Anti-Racism Data Act

The government of B.C. is taking action to address systemic racism in provincial programs and services. The Anti-Racism Data Act, which became law in June 2022, has been created to help us conduct research that will identify gaps in our services. This is an important part of our work to make the province more equitable, inclusive and welcoming for everyone. 

Visit the Anti-Racism Data Act website to learn more.

Anti-Racism legislation

The Province is developing broader anti-racism legislation that builds on the Anti-Racism Data Act. This new legislation is co-developed with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit and the Province continues to collaborate with other racialized communities in this work as well. It will ensure government takes action to dismantle systemic racism and provide supports to those who have been negatively impacted.

Visit the Anti-Racism legislation engagement website to learn more.

K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan

The K-12 (kindergarten through grade 12) Anti-Racism Action Plan provides training and resources to help students and educators understand what it means to be anti-racist.

B.C. public school districts must have codes of conduct and independent school authorities must have policies to address racism and discrimination and align with the B.C. Human Rights Code.

In January 2023, the Ministry launched the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan:

Learn more about Anti-racism with erase.