
Last updated on June 3, 2024

Many people think racism is not a problem in Canada, but racism exists in every province, including British Columbia.

Racism can take many forms and is often implicit in our attitudes, behaviours, beliefs and values. It's up to all of us to take a collaborative community approach to challenge and prevent racism and hate.

On this page

The Anti-Racism Data Act (ARDA)

We're working hard to make B.C. a more equitable, inclusive and welcoming province for everyone. One of the ways to support this work is the Anti-Racism Data Act, which allows us to collect personal information such as race, age or gender. With this information, we can identify and understand where people are experiencing barriers accessing government services.

The Anti-Racism Data Act became law on June 2, 2022. 

A research-based approach

We’ve heard from many Indigenous and racialized people that they are being left behind because our services weren’t designed with them in mind.

To address this issue, we developed research priorities in collaboration with the Anti-Racism Data Committee and Indigenous Peoples (including BC First Nations and Métis Nation British Columbia). These priorities will keep us focused on the areas that matter most to Indigenous and racialized communities.

On May 30, 2024, we released the first findings from this research. These findings focus on:

  • Racial diversity in the BC Public Service
  • Special education designations
  • Health outcomes for three chronic conditions

We’ll use what we’ve learned to make our services stronger for everyone in B.C.

Addressing systemic racism in government services

We’re also working on other anti-racism initiatives to make B.C. a more inclusive, equitable province.

In the summer of 2023, we heard from more than 200,000 people through the voluntary BC Demographic Survey. The information collected is supporting our anti-racism research.

We’ve also created new mandatory anti-racism training for researchers to complete before they can use this information.

Learn more about our research and the second year of work under the Anti-Racism Data Act on our website.

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Broader anti-racism legislation

The Government of B.C. passed the Anti-Racism Act on May 9, 2024.

The Anti-Racism Act will require government to address systemic racism uncovered through the Anti-Racism Data Act and data from Indigenous Peoples and racialized communities.

The Act will also allow government to provide supports for those who have been negatively impacted by systemic racism including gaps in government programs and services.

Your input matters!

In June 2023 we opened an online questionnaire to hear from people of all backgrounds on how they think government should address racism in B.C.  

The Questionnaire closed on September 30, 2023. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their perspectives.

Learn more about this engagement

Access support through Resilience BC

Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network offers resources on how to respond to and report hate crimes and incidents. It is a is a multi-faceted, province wide approach for challenging racism.

  • Learn more about racism
    Anti-racism tools, Human Rights documents, news articles, experts and more
  • Find your community network
    You have the right and the responsibility to live in a society free from racism and hate. Connect with your Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network member today using our interactive map.
  • Report and support 
    Every person in British Columbia has a right to feel safe and participate in their community. Racism and hate makes that impossible by creating fear and exclusion. We need to work together to end racism and hate in our communities by understanding hate, how to report it and how to step in when we witness it.

Anti-racism definitions

Definitions of key words and phrases related to anti-racism and equity.

These terms are defined in the context of the Anti-Racism Data Act. We recognize they are not the only definition of the term

What is anti-racism?

Anti-racism is the practice of identifying, challenging, preventing, eliminating and changing the values, structures, policies, programs, practices and behaviours that perpetuate racism.

Learn more about racism

Visit Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network to find anti-racism tools, Human Rights documents, news articles, experts and more!