In certain situations, you may be eligible for a refund of the security you paid to your wholesaler.
All refunds must be claimed within four years from the date the security was paid.
We can’t provide refunds of security less than $10.
If the tobacco you purchased for retail sales is stolen, you may apply for a refund. To apply, you must:
Complete the Application for Refund of Tobacco Tax Paid on Products Lost Due to Theft (FIN 371) (PDF)
Include required supporting documents, such as original purchase receipts and the police report
Contact us for more information if:
A credit transaction occurred where you did not receive full payment and the customer’s account is written off as a bad debt
Your tobacco has expired and you can’t get a refund for the security you paid from your wholesaler
Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.