We agree about the issues. How do we obtain a court order?

Last updated on February 19, 2025

Sometimes you and your spouse agree about how you want to resolve your family law issues, but you want a court order that reflects your agreement.

In this situation, you can:

  • File an agreement at the court registry. You can write down your agreement and file a signed copy of this agreement at your local family court. A filed agreement can generally be enforced in the same way as a court order.
  • Apply for a consent order (also called a desk order). You fill out forms that tell the judge what you and your spouse have agreed to. The judge reviews the forms to make sure you are making decisions that align with the law. If the judge is satisfied, he or she will sign the order.

If you have already started your court case, you can make an agreement or apply for a consent order at any stage.

For more information, see Legal Aid BC's Family Law in BC website

The site includes the guides Do your own uncontested divorce if you and your spouse agree about the divorce, and How to get a final family order, if you and your spouse want to apply for a consent order.