COAST Service Provider Portal - Training & Resources

Last updated on July 9, 2024


Logo for COAST

COAST stands for the Client Operational Access SysTem, a new contract and client management system being introduced by the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. This new integrated system will replace the branch’s current systems and will provide an improved experience and create efficiencies for clients, contractors and branch staff.

Overview of COAST

Information and Training Webinars

COAST PEACE Program Reporting

Webinar for Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment (PEACE) Programs on COAST reporting (Video runtime 26:30)


COAST Information Session Webinar

Webinar on the overview of COAST (Client Operational Access System), a new contract management system that will streamline branch processes for clients and contracted service providers (Video runtime 25:00)


COAST VS/VAW Training Session # 1

Step-by-step instructional webinar on how to use the COAST service provider portal for the upcoming VS/VAW contract cycle (Video runtime: 56:28)


COAST CAP Training Session # 1

Step-by-step instructional webinar for CAP programs on how to use the COAST service provider portal for the upcoming contract cycle. (Video runtime:42:45)


COAST Training Session #2

Step by step instruction on how to sign contracts and upload general documents on the COAST service provider portal for the upcoming VS/VAW contract cycle (Video runtime: 31:23)


COAST Training Session #3

Step-by-step instructional webinar on how to complete the proposed budget and Schedule G report on the COAST service provider portal for the upcoming VS/VAW contract cycle (Video runtime: 49:11)


COAST Training Session #4

Step-by-step instructional webinar on how to complete the Monthly Stats on the COAST service provider portal for the upcoming VS/VAW contract cycle. (Video Runtime: 46:13)


Business BCeID

To access the new COAST system, service providers will be required to use a Business BCeID to login into the service provider portal. Please review the information provided at this link for more information about the Business BCeID.

COAST Resources

Tip Sheets

Note: Tip sheets will be added after every training session or as required.

Troubleshooting Guide

COAST Question & Answer Document (Q & A)

Note: The Q & A will be updated after every training session.

COAST Support

If you require support with COAST, please email the Community Programs Unit of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Branch at