Adult Guardianship Act, Part 3 - legislation review

Last updated on August 18, 2021

Adult Abuse and Neglect Response Framework

The Ministry of Attorney General, the Ministry of Health and the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia, is undertaking a comprehensive policy review of the province’s adult abuse and neglect response framework under the Adult Guardianship Act.  Part 3 of the Act provides for the reporting and investigation of, and response to, concerns that an adult is being abused or neglected, or is suffering from self-neglect, and is unable to seek support or assistance on their own.

Part 3 of the Adult Guardianship Act has been in force since 2000; and has not been substantially amended since it was passed in 1993.

If you have any questions or comments about this review, please email the Policy and Legislation Division, Justice Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General, at