Sea to Sky District Road Permitting Information

Last updated on March 21, 2025

Road Permit


Only major licensees, as defined in section 115 (1) of the Forest Act, are eligible to apply for a road permit.

Application Requirements:

Licencees are directed to contact the district licensed authorizations officer at 604-898-2100 or for further details on the application process.


Road Use Permit


All industrial users of a Forest Service Road (FSR) need a Road Use Permit (RUP) under section 22.1 of Forest & Range Practices Act (FRPA). In certain situations, the Minister may grant an exemption under section 22.2 (2) or (4).

RUP Holder Requirements:

FSR maintenance is a shared responsibility by industrial users. One user is assigned the responsibility of designated maintainer.

Generally, the designate is the predominant user of the road system. The designate may negotiate with secondary users to decide appropriate contributions toward maintenance. The contributions should be commensurate with the use and may be monetary or work related.

Designated maintainers must assign a Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP) for all sections of FSR that they are responsible for. See Joint Professional Practice Guidelines - Professional Services in the Forest Sector: Forest Roads for details on the responsibilities of a CRP.

Note: Road Use Permits are NOT transferable from one company to another. Each company requesting a Road Use Permit must apply as outlined above. If multiple subsidiaries of a parent company are using an FSR, then each subsidiary must obtain a separate RUP.

Application Requirements

To apply, submit the RUP Application Form to

RUP Closure:

A user may apply to terminate their RUP when FSR use is no longer required for industrial purposes.

A designated maintainer must ensure the condition of the road is acceptable for non-industrial use before their RUP is terminated. Acceptable condition is evidenced by structural integrity of the road prism and clearing width, and functionality of drainage systems of the road.

Otherwise, the permit will remain in effect even while the user is idle for periods of time. Any designated maintenance obligations remain during those periods.

To apply to terminate an RUP, contact the district office at You may be required to submit a Statement of General Conformance RUP – Road Use Permit Closure Request form.


Road Maintenance Agreement


For situations where the wilderness level of maintenance is not sufficient for a commercial or public user, the user may elect to undertake some or all of the surface maintenance (grading, brushing, etc. required for providing motor vehicle access) of a FSR as authorized by the FSR Maintenance Agreement. Examples may include to access: recreation opportunities, utility company structures, commercial operations, or access to private property.

Application Requirements:


Temporary Road Use Authorization (TRUA)


For situations where the use of an FSR is required for non-industrial short-term use. Examples include: road use for filming, running or biking races, or a community special event.

To determine if you need a TRUA, please use the TRUA Decision Tool

Application Requirements:

To apply, submit the TRUA Application form a minimum of 30 business days before the event. You must include the following requirements:

  • Location Map of proposed FSR and adjacent area
  • Traffic Management Plan 
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Letter of Agency (if applicable)

Please see page 2, Section 5 of the Application form for details on these requirements.

Submit the completed application package to Typical turnaround time is 3 weeks.

Additional Requirements:

In addition to a TRUA, you may need permits from the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship (WLRS). Please see below for details:


Significant Works Authorization


Any significant road works within an FSR right-of-way require authorization from the Ministry of Forests. Specifically, an applicant must apply for authorization if they wish to:

  • Widen, realign, or reconstruct a portion of an FSR, which may include a retaining wall,
  • Install or replace a bridge or major culvert on an FSR,
  • Construct works for a purpose other than the passage of vehicular or pedestrian traffic within the FSR road prism or right of way, and/or
  • Connect a road to an FSR.

Please see Guidelines for Applying for Significant Road Work Authorization (docx, 250KB) for details on the application process and application forms.

Application Requirements:

To apply, submit a complete application package to a minimum of 3 weeks before work begins. The application package must include the appropriate application form along with all required attachments. See the Guidelines linked above for details on attachments. Typical turnaround time is 2 weeks. 


Location Map Standards

  • Date of application
  • Use iMapBC, Geomark Web Service or similar mapping software
  • Identify scale used; generally: 1:10,000, 1:20,000, 1:30,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000
  • Show POC (point of commencement) and POT (point of termination) for each section of application (KM)
  • Identify FSR name, number and branch
  • Place North arrow

Location Map Example:

Location Map Standards Example


Contact information

Malcolm Schulz - Engineering Officer
Brian Gladstone - Engineering Technician