Expression of Interest for All-Seasons Resort at Zincton

Last updated on March 17, 2023


Executive Summary:

Zincton EOI_Exec Summary_May 13 2020 (PDF, 4.15mb)

Full Expression of Interest:

Zincton_EOI_May 13 2020 (PDF, 14.23mb)

Frequently Asked Questions:


Zincton What We Heard Document:

What We Heard

Thank you for your interest and participation in the Zincton Expression of Interest (EOI) review process.  This “What We Heard” document identifies and summarizes the most common comments, concerns, questions and suggestions that were received during the Zincton EOI public comment period from May 21, 2020 until June 22, 2020.  The input received will ensure that all values and expressed interests are considered in project planning, process review steps and decision-making.


Zincton What is happening next:

Mountain Resorts Branch (MRB) has now concluded its review of the Zincton Resort Expression of Interest (EOI) which was formally submitted to our office on May 13th, 2020. The feedback received from the Agencies, First Nations, Stakeholders and Public during the referral and comment period (conducted between May 21, 2020 and June 22, 2020) has been collated and a summary of engagement in a form of “What We Heard” document has been prepared and can be found here. This early period of engaging and listening to the various parties helped establish an important foundation for the next stage of the planning process.

The Province considers the EOI proposal to be a feasible concept and consistent with the All-Season Resort Policy (ASRP) and All-Season Resort Guidelines (ASRG). The Province has invited the proponent to submit a Formal Proposal. Should the proponent accept this invitation they will also be required to apply for an Interim Agreement under the Land Act.  The Formal Proposal must meet the requirements of the ASRP and ASRG Chapter I and Chapter II.

The Formal Proposal, as the next stage in the resort development planning process, is expected to address identified values and significant issues that have been identified through the EOI stage and should provide a higher level of project details on development concepts, servicing options, market and financial capability.

Mountain Resorts Branch has received the draft Formal Proposal from Zincton Farms Limited and will be initiating the public review and comment period starting with a Public Open House on October 21, 2021. Please refer to the Formal Proposal page on the website for full details.

For further questions or enquiries please contact the Zincton Project Review Team at or (250) 371-3952.

-Zincton Project Review Team

Contact information

Kamloops Office:
510-175 2nd Avenue
Kamloops BC  V2C 5W1
Telephone: 250-371-3952
Fax: 250-371-3942

Victoria Office:
PO BOX 9852 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC  V8W 9T5
Fax: 250-356-2842