Province-wide lithogeochemical data collected by British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) geoscientists and their research partners.
T. Han and A.S. Rukhlov
Rock geochemical data are an integral part of provincial lithogeochemical data, which also include data from till, drainage sediments such as alluvium (including heavy mineral concentrates), moss-mat sediment, and lacustrine deposits. These lithogeochemical data characterize primary dispersion of elements in bedrock and secondary dispersion in weathered rocks, soil, and other surficial sediments, including mechanical dispersion by streams, gravity flows, and glaciers. The development and operation of the British Columbia Geological Survey rock geochemical database allows long-lasting storage and consistent update of rock geochemical data collected from across the province. For the current update, new rock geochemical data were compiled, format standardized, metadata validated, quality checked, and populated into the database, where they were integrated with existing data for permanent storage.
Recommended citation: Han, T. and Rukhlov, A.S., 2024. Update of rock geochemical database at the British Columbia Geological Survey. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2024-09, 5p.
The current version is downloadable here.