Hat Creek Collection - BC Hydro Reports

Last updated on October 30, 2018

The Hat Creek Collection BC Hydro reports were scanned from the BC Hydro Library in 2002 and are available for download. There are 56 reports in this collection

Hat Creek Collection - BC Hydro Reports
Report No. Year Title No. of Pages Size (MB) File Name
E001A 1975 Preliminary Environ Impact Study 157 7.0 E001a.pdf
E001 1977 Preliminary Environ Impact Study   61.5  
E005 1979 Flue Gas Desulfurization Study 62 1.7 E005.pdf
E015-07A 1978 Hat Creek Detailed Environ. Studies - Vol. 1 Summary 19 0.6 E015-07a-1.pdf
E015-07C 1978 Detailed Environ. Studies-Vol. 3 Impact Assessment 226 8.4 E015-07c-3.pdf
E015-07D 1978 Detailed Environ. Studies-Vol 4 Appendices 184 5.3 E015-07d.pdf
E015-07D4 1978 Detailed Environ. Studies-Vol 4 Appendices 184 39.0  
E015-14 1978 Detailed Environ Studies App. E1-Noise 418 11.0 E015-14.pdf
E015-15 1978 Detailed Environ Studies Minerals & Petroleum 130 5.1 E015-15.pdf
E016 1978 Trace Elem Material Balance-Coal Test Burn 67 1.4 E016.pdf
E019 1976 Climatology of the Hat Creek Valley Region 72 2.1 E019.pdf
E026 1980 Resource Evaluation 73 2.1 E026.pdf
E040A 1982 Assess. of Impact of Construct. Water Supply A 69 1.3 E040a.pdf
E041B 1982 Assess. of Impact of Construct. Water Supply B 77 1.5 E041b.pdf
E044 1981 Assess. of Trace Elements in Soils & Vegetation 83 2.1 E044.pdf
E047 1982 Prelim. Assess. of Air Quality Impacts for 800MW 52 1.3 E047.pdf
G014A 1978 Bulk Sample Program 85 2.3 G014a.pdf
G014 1978 Bulk Sample Program 85 18.2  
G016-5 1978 Hat Creek-Prelim. Engineering Composite Report 97 3.1 G016-5.pdf
G032 1984 Seismic Observations 10 0.2 G032.pdf
J083 1982 Summary Report 47 1.0 Jun83.pdf
M001 1975 Hat Creek-Interim Report on Coal Analyses Vol 1 12 0.3 M001-1.pdf
M002 1975 Hat Creek Coal Deposits Proposed No. 1 Openpit 25 0.8 M002.pdf
M006-1 1976 Preliminary Report on Hat Creek Openpit #2- Vol. 2 87 3.1 M006-1-2.pdf
M006-2 1976 Preliminary Report on Hat Creek Openpit #2-Vol 1 37 5.6 M006-2.pdf
M006-2 1976 Preliminary Report on Hat Creek Openpit #2-Vol 1 37 20.1  
M008 1976 Inter & Intra Laboratory Reproducibility  30 1.0 M008.pdf
M009 1976 Washability & Plant Washing of Bulk Samples  170 4.0 M009.pdf
M011 1976 Notes on Tests on Hat Creek by Birtley Engineering 97 3.5 M011.pdf
M021 1977 Petrographic Studies of Hat Creek Coals 14 0.5 M021.pdf
M022 1977 Hat Creek Coal Utilization 18 0.6 M022.pdf
M024-1 1977 Hat Creek Coal Development 140 10.1 M024-1.pdf
M026 1977 Fractures & Beoding in Limestone-Houth Meadows 31 2.4 M026.pdf
M028 1977 Hat Creek Coal Utilization Study 280 6.9 M028.pdf
M029 1977 Analysis of Hat Creek Bulk Sample 15 0.3 M029.pdf
M030A 1977 Petrographic & Geologic Features of Oxidized Rocks 79 2.9 M030a.pdf
M030 1977 Petrographic & Geologic Features of Oxidized Rocks 79 51.7  
M032-1A 1976 Mineral Matter 31 1.4 M032-1a.pdf
M032-1 1977 Mineral Matter-First Report Quarterly 31 9.8 M032-1.pdf
M032-2 1977 Mineral Matter-Second Report Quarterly 30 2.9 M032-2.pdf
M032-3 1977 Mineral Matter-Third Report Quarterly 63 2.9 M032-3.pdf
M032-4 1977 Mineral Matter-Fourth Report Quarterly 105 2.9 M032-4.pdf
M035 1977 Analysis of Hat Creek Bulk Sample-Part 3 29 0.8 M035-3.pdf
M036-1-1 1977 Analysis of Hat Creek Bulk Sample-Part 1 30 0.6 M036-1-1.pdf
M036-2-2 1977 Analysis of Hat Creek Bulk Sample-Part 2 25 0.5 M036-2-2.pdf
M036-3-3 1977 Analysis of Hat Creek Bulk Sample-Part 3 28 0.7 M036-3-3.pdf
M037 1977 Analytical Data from Test Holes 76-135 & 76-136 71 3.1 M037.pdf
M038 1977 Washability Testwork of 1977 Bulk Samples 111 2.4 M038.pdf
M040 1978 Benefication of Low Grade Coals 28 1.2 M040.pdf
M043 1978 Comments on Reserve Estimation 4 0.1 M043.pdf
M044 1978 Preliminary Geostatistical Study of BTU Variations 58 2.1 M044.pdf
M045 1978 Hat Creek Minability Study 68 1.8 M045.pdf
M052-2A 1978 Mining Feasibility Rpt Vol 2-Geology & Coal Quality 131 4.7 M052-2a.pdf
M052-2 1978 Mining Feasibility Rpt Vol 2-Geology & Coal Quality 131 29.6  
M055A 1978 Characteristics & Utilization of the Kaolin Clays 77 2.0 M055a.pdf
M055 1978 Characteristics & Utilization of the Kaolin Clays 77 24.4  
M056 1978 Analyses & Sedimentation Tests 52 1.0 M056.pdf
M058 1979 Characteristics of Coal & Associated Materials 141 2.6 M058.pdf
M066 1979 Geostatistical Study of Sulfur Variations 20 0.5 M066.pdf
M067 1979 Comments on Statistical Aspects of a Draft Report 8 0.1 M067.pdf
M068 1979 A Method for 3D Study of Bedded Deposits 51 1.0 M068.pdf
M071-1 1979 Progress Rpt #2 Geostatistical Estimate 1 of 2 129 1.7 M071-1.pdf
M078-1 1979 Geolog Rpt - No. 1 Deposit - Vol. 1- Main Text 112 3.0 M078-1-1.pdf
M078-2 1979 Geolog Rpt - No. 1 Deposit - Vol. 2 - Appendix 1 39 7.6 M078-2-2.pdf
M079-1A 1979 Mining Report Vol. 1 December 1979 231 10.6 M079-1a.pdf
M079-1 1979 Mining Report Vol. 1 December 1979 231 78.2  
M084A 1979 Mining Report Summary - December 1979 137 5.1 M084a.pdf
M084 1979 Mining Report Summary - December 1979 137 48.4  
M090A 1979 Depositional Environment & Stratigraphic Subdivision 52 1.8 M090a.pdf
M090 1979 Depositional Environment & Stratigraphic Subdivision 52 29.5  
M091 1979 Preliminary Geological Report No. 2 Deposit 111 6.3 M091-2.pdf
M093 1981 Lic#'s 12, 14, 2753-2762, 3003-3004, 3009-3013 18 1.9 M093.pdf
M096 1976 A Geophysical Case History 18 0.6 M096.pdf
M097 1982 800 MW Scheme - Mine Drainage 91 3.0 M097.pdf
M103 1983 Spontaneous Combustion Tests 44 1.0 M103.pdf
M111 1984 Ground Water Hydrographs 127 3.2 M111.pdf
M114 1982 A Review of Surface & Subsurface Hydrology 37 1.8 M114.pdf
M122 1983 Preliminary Model Development 34 1.5 M122.pdf
Mar82 1982 A & C Zone Trench Site Investigation 1981 32 16.7  
Oct84 1984 225 MW Thermal Study Mining Report 95 2.8 Oct84.pdf