Over 1000 assessment reports have digital data that has been submitted with the report. These have been compiled and made available for download as .zip files.
The British Columbia Geological Survey encourages and welcomes the submission of assessment report digital data. Please submit digital data files (spreadsheets, databases, maps, grids, etc.) used or created for work described in the technical assessment report. For more detail and examples on the types of data to submit, please visit the ARIS Submission Information page.
Once the one-year confidentiality period ends, assessment report data become available for download alongside the report PDF as data packages (ZIP). To find reports with digital data available for download, Search ARIS using the 'digital data' keyword (eg. Digital data drilling). Click the ZIP file to download the data.
Digital data records have been categorized into seven general types, with examples listed of available file types.
Data Type | Work or Survey Type | Data File Examples |
Airborne Geophysics | Magnetic, Electromagnetic, Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic, Radiometric Surveys | .dat .grd .gi .map .gdb .kml .kmz .xyz .jpg .pdf .png .dxf .msh .sus .ers .bdx .bin (some files quite large in size) |
Ground Geophysics | Induced Polarization, Magnetic, 3-Dimensional Induced Polarization, Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic Surveys | .txt .gdb .csv .arw .srf .xyz .tif .tfw .vtx .pvs .con .res .chg .pre .out .inp .inv .egh .ehf .gdd .gi .png .xml .shapefiles |
Geochemistry | Assay certificates, geochemical compilations, metallurgical results | .xls .xlsx .csv .accdb |
Drilling | Core logs, geotechnical/RQD logs, selected analytical results, collar locations, drill hole parameters, downhole surveys | .xls .xlsx .accdb |
Imagery | Orthophotos, LiDAR, Digital Elevation Models, ASTER | .tif .tfw .jpg .ecw .dwg .dbf .pdf .shapefiles (some files quite large in size) |
Geological Mapping | Structural measurements, GIS files of ground mapping | .xls .xlsx MapInfo Files (.dat .id .map .tab .ind), Shapefiles (.shp .shx .prj .sbn .sbx .dbf) |
GIS | Base mapping collections, map files, sample/drillhole locations and parameters | MapInfo Files (.dat .id .map .tab .ind), Shapefiles (.shp .shx .prj .sbn .sbx .dbf) |
Digital data associated with some assessment reports are too large to be made available for web download. If you would like to obtain a copy of these data, please contact ARIS.digital@gov.bc.ca.
The BC Geological Survey provides ARIS digital data for mineral Assessment Reports on an 'as-is' basis in the format and entirety as submitted to government by industry. The Survey is not responsible for the completeness, quality, accuracy, or reliability of the data. Please note that specialized software may be required to open and view the digital data.