Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project

Last updated on February 10, 2025

The Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning (FLP) project is one of five new Provincial projects shaping a new framework for sustainable forest management in British Columbia.

The goal of the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning project is to create a plan that will:

  • Manage the values placed on forest ecosystems by First Nations
  • Support the protection and conservation of the environment
  • Support production and supply of timber in the forest landscape area
  • Manage the values places on ecosystems by local communities
  • Prevent, mitigate, and adapt to impacts caused by significant disturbances to forests and forest health

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What is the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project?

The Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project is one of five new provincial projects shaping a new framework for sustainable forest management in British Columbia.

The Bulkley-Morice FLP project is adjacent to the Lakes Resiliency Project, one of the pilot projects of forest landscape planning in the Province. The project seeks to build on the existing framework, data and experiences from the Lakes Resiliency Project. In addition, the Bulkley-Morice FLP Project continues to promote collaborative efforts with First Nations, industry and community groups.

View the terms of reference:

The Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning area

The Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA) lies in the eastern drainage of the Skeena River within the North Area, Skeena Natural Resource Region. It covers approximately 736,000 hectares and includes the communities of Smithers, Telkwa, Witset and Fort Babine. The TSA is administered by the Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District.

The Morice Timber Supply Area (TSA) is on the western edge of British Columbia’s central interior plateau and covers about 1.5 million hectares of the Skeena Natural Resource Region. It extends from Babine Lake in the north to Ootsa and Whitesail Lakes in the south and includes the communities of Houston, Topley, and Granisle. The TSA is administered by the Nadina Natural Resource District office in Burns Lake. 

Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project scope  

The scope of the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project is to:

  • Develop a forest landscape plan with spatially explicit direction
  • Complete a collaborative timber supply review (TSR) process for the Bulkley and Morice TSAs
  • Provide landscape level direction and guidance for Skeena-Stikine and Nadina Districts, that align with other initiatives
  • Complete a monitoring and investment plan
  • Incorporate elements of the old growth strategic review
  • Provide recommendations to amendment of legal objectives if required

Who is involved in the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project? 

The Bulkley-Morice FLP Project team is working with First Nations, industry representatives, local communities, and across provincial ministries and initiatives active in the Bulkley-Morice planning area.

A group of representatives including First Nations, interest groups, licensees, land users and the Province will meet to review the data and develop a forest landscape plan. There will be opportunities for the public to review and provide input at key milestones.

When will the Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project be complete?

The Bulkley-Morice FLP Project is underway and is expected to conclude in 2026. As the project progresses, the material developed by the planning table will be available on this webpage at key milestones for the public to review and comment on.

Bulkley-Morice Forest Landscape Planning Project public engagement process

Public engagement is ongoing throughout the duration of the Bulkley-Morice FLP Project. Opportunities for review and comment of project materials will be provided on the public engagement website.

Map of Bulkley-Morice FLP
Map of Bulkley-Morice FLP

Natural Resource Region: Skeena

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