Links and References

Last updated on August 23, 2017

Regional Growth and Yield and Forest Dynamics Models

Western Canada and the US Pacific Northwest:

DFSIM (Douglas-Fir SIMulator): Whole-stand model with economics.  US Forest Service.

FORECAST:  Multi-species, whole-stand model with an ecosystem focus, e.g., nutrient cycling.  University of British Columbia.

FPS (Forest Projection and planning System):  multi-species, individual-tree, distance-dependent model.  Forest Biometrics Research Institute (USA).

FVS (Forest Vegetation Simulator):  framework for a national suite of regional, individual-tree, distance-independent models.  US Forest Service.

GYPSY (Growth and Yield Projection SYstem):  boreal spruce-aspen-pine, whole-stand model.  Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

MGM (Mixedwood Growth Model):  boreal spruce-aspen-pine, individual-tree, distance-independent model.  University of Alberta.

ORGANON  (ORegon Growth ANalysis and projectiON):  Multi-species, individual-tree, distance-independent model.  Oregon State University.

PrognosisBC:  Multi-species, individual-tree, distance-independent model for SE BC.  University of British Columbia and ESSA Technologies.

Scube:  boreal spruce, whole-stand model.  University of Northern British Columbia.

SORTIE-ND:  Multi-species, individual-tree, distance-dependent model for northern BC.  Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Bulkley Valley Research Centre.

TADAM (TASS Approximation by an Aggregated Dynamical Model): coastal Douglas-fir, whole stand model.  University of Northern British Columbia.

TAG (Trembling Aspen Growth):  Whole-stand model.  University of Northern British Columbia.

Ritchie, Martin W. 1999. A compendium of forest growth and yield simulators for the Pacific Coast states.  Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-174. Albany CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 59p.


Related Links

Forest Growth Organization of Western Canada

Forest Genetics Council of British Columbia

Forest Measurements and Biometrics, University of British Columbia

Growth Model Users Group:  promoting the exchange of ideas, tips/techniques and issues involving the use of forest growth models in the North American Pacific Northwest. 

Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative, Oregon State University

Inland Northwest Growth & Yield (INGY) Cooperative, University of Montana

Model Lists (worldwide):  Forest Growth ModelsIEFC.NET

Stand Management Cooperative, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington

Western Forest Mensurationists

Davis, L.S. and K.N. Johnson, 1987. Forest Management. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York. 790 pp.

Oliver, C.D. and B.C. Larson, 1996. Forest Stand Dynamics. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York. 544 pp.

Forest Measurement and Modelling: Online textbook.  Author:  Dr. Cris Brack, Australian National University.

Pretzsch, Hans. 2010. Forest Dynamics, Growth and Yield: From Measurement to Model. Springer. 664 pp.

Vanclay, J. K. 1994. Modelling Forest Growth and Yield: Applications to Mixed Tropical Forests. CAB International, England, 312 pp.

Weiskittel, A, R., D.W. Hann, J.A. Kershaw, Jr., J.K. Vanclay. 2011. Forest Growth and Yield Modeling. John Wiley & Sons. 430 pp.