Root diseases

Last updated on January 30, 2025

Forest tree root diseases are caused by fungal pathogens. These pathogens occur throughout all forest ecosystems in British Columbia and their effects result in a greater economic loss than those caused by insects and fire combined.

On this page

Effects of root diseases

Root diseases an influential part of forested ecosystems and are an important factor in maintaining forest health.

The effects of root diseases on the ecosystem can be both positive and negative.

Positive effects include:

  • Nutrient cycling
  • Changes in ecological and species structure
  • Ecosystem biodiversity

Negative effects include:

  • Reduce tree growth
  • Lower tree wood quality
  • Early tree death

Managing of root diseases

Ecosystem-based forest management 'recognizes’ a natural forest ecosystem and attempts to manage forested stands as close to these characteristics as possible. Management techniques strive to maintain the positive functions of root pathogens while limiting the negative effects of the diseases.

Due to their widespread distribution and economic effects, root diseases should be considered in forest management and planning.

Types of root disease in B.C.

Major root diseases include:

To learn more about root diseases read Managing Root Disease in British Columbia (PDF, 13.9MB)

Contact information

Contact us if you have further questions about managed-stand pests and how they are controlled in B.C.