Identifying the Public Interest in Proposed Timber Tenure Dispositions

Last updated on February 3, 2025

Prior to approving or refusing a requested disposition (transfer) of a forest tenure agreement, or approving with conditions, the Minister or their delegated decision maker must consider the effects of the disposition on the public interest.

The public interest for a proposed tenure agreement disposition is considered within the context of encouraging diversity and competitiveness in the forest industry. This may include a consideration of community, environmental and economic values, and business relationships that are proposed or existing between the intended holder of the tenure agreement and other parties.

The Minister, or their designated decision maker, wants to hear from the public regarding proposed tenure agreement dispositions. Your comments can express support or concerns, or suggest conditions that could be placed on the approval of a proposed disposition to protect the public interest.

Not all proposed dispositions will warrant a web-based public submission process via this web page. However, comments and inquiries related to any proposed tenure agreement disposition can be submitted directly to the Minister's office or to the Forest Tenures Branch (see links on this page).

Proposed Tenure Transfers

Government is currently seeking input from interested citizens of British Columbia regarding the following dispositions to ensure that government considers the full breadth of public interest associated with the tenure agreement and proponents involved. Please click the link provided to access an online form to submit your comments. Your comments are intended to be received anonymously and should not include any self-identifying text, images or documents.

Please note:  If you choose to submit comments, please note that the following criteria will be considered to ensure that submissions are acceptable and will be considered:

  • Does not contain profanity or is defamatory, threatening, hateful, personally disparaging, harassing, indecent, vulgar, obscene, illegal, immoral or sexually explicit (partially masking profanity or other unacceptable language by substituting asterisks or other symbols into a word is not acceptable if the word remains recognizable);
  • Does not appear to, or does actually, infringe the copyright, trade-mark, right of privacy, right of publicity or any other intellectual property or other proprietary right of any third party;
  • Does not contain information about, or images (e.g., photographs, videos or illustrations) of, any person other than the person submitting the content;
  • Does not advertise any product, person or organization, or directs attention to another website for personal gain;
  • Does not provide links to, or information about, other sites that contain unlawful, objectionable or inappropriate content;
  • Does not make unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals, groups or organizations;
  • Does not appear to be spam-like messaging, a repeat posting or a template letter writing campaign; and
  • Must be specific to the proposed transfer of the forest tenure agreements identified.

Description of the Proposed Timber Tenure Transfer

Size of the agreements involved

Location of agreements

Public Input Closes

The Minister of Forests has received a request from Interfor Corporation for the following tenure changes in the Great Bear Rainforest NORTH Timber Supply Area:

  • The subdivision of Replaceable Forest Licence (RFL) A16850 with an allowable annual cut (AAC) of 83,382 m3/yr into an amended A16850 with an AAC of 20,846 m3/yr and the creation of two new RFLs, A99081 and A99841 with AACs of 41,691 m3/yr and 20,846 m3/yr respectively.
  • The transfer of the subdivided RFL A16850 with an AAC of 20,846 m3/yr from Interfor to the Metlakatla First Nation or its wholly-owned corporate nominee.
  • The transfer of the new RFL A99081 with an AAC of 41,691 m3/yr from Interfor to the Heiltsuk Tribal Council or its wholly-owned corporate nominee.
  • The transfer of the new RFL A99481 with an AAC of 20,846 m3/yr from Interfor to the Lax Kw’alaams First Nation or its wholly-owned corporate nominee.
  • The transfer of A16837 with an AAC of 14,049 m3/yr from Sonora Logging to the Gitga’at First Nation.

Review the backgrounder for Great Bear Rainforest North Timber Supply Area.

Submit a comment

20,846 m³/yr

41,691 m³/yr

20,846 m³/yr

Great Bear Rainforest North Timber Supply Area

March 1, 2025

4:00 pm

The Minister of Forests has received a request from Interfor Corporation for:

The subdivision of Tree Farm Licence 45 (104,433 m3/yr) into an amended TFL 45 and a new TFL XX and the transfer of the new TFL XX with associated road permits as follows:

  • Amended TFL 45 - 89,848 m3/yr
  • New TFL XX - 14,585 m3/yr to Komoks First Nation doing business as 0898322 BC Ltd.

Submit a comment

104,433 m³/yr Tree Farm Licence 45 within Great Bear Rainforest South Timber Supply Area

September 15, 2024

4:00 pm

The Minister of Forests has received a request from Interfor Corporation for the following tenure changes in the Great Bear Rainforest SOUTH Timber Supply Area:

  • The subdivision of RFL A19238 with an allowable annual cut (AAC) of 167,395 m3 into an amended A19238 with an AAC of 68,404 m3, the creation of a new RFL A98746 with an AAC of 50,000 m3, and the creation of another new RFL A98747 with an AAC of 48,991 m3
  • The subsequent transfer of A19238 to Kwa-Wa-Aineuk Timber General Partner Ltd. on behalf of the Gwawaenuk First Nation
  • The subsequent transfer of A98746 with an AAC of 50,000 m3 to T’Se’Kame Forestry Ltd. on behalf of the Kwikwasut’inuxw and Haxwa’mis First Nations
  • The subdivision of RFL A77806 with an allowable annual cut (AAC) of 111,596 m3 into an amended A77806 with an AAC of 31,596 m3, the creation of a new RFL A99298 with an AAC of 40,000 m3, and the creation of another new RFL A99299 with an AAC of 40,000 m3
  • The subsequent transfer of A77806 to Kwa-Wa-Aineuk General Partner Ltd. on behalf of the Gwawaenuk First Nation
  • The subsequent transfer of A99298 with an AAC of 40,000 m3 to 0898322 BC Ltd. on behalf of the Komox First Nation

Review the backgrounder for Great Bear Rainforest South Timber Supply Area.

Submit a comment

167,395 m³/yr

111,596 m³/yr

Great Bear Rainforest South Timber Supply Area

August 1, 2024

4:00 pm

Previous Tenure Transfers

Government previously sought input from interested citizens of British Columbia regarding the following dispositions.


Description of the proposed Timber Tenure Transfer

Size of the agreements involved

Location of agreements

Date of Decision

The government sought input regarding the dispositions (TRANSFER) of the following licences to Kitsumkalum First Nation (Kitsumkalum).

  • RFL A16885 in the Kalum Timber Supply Area (TSA)
  • RFL A16882 in the Nass TSA
  • TFL 41
  • 52 associated road permits

In September 2023, 1392752 B.C. Ltd. initiated bankruptcy proceedings against Skeena. On September 20, 2023, the court appointed On September 20, 2023, the court appointed Alvarez and Marsal Canada Inc. (the “Receiver”) as the Receiver of Skeena’s assets (and the assets of two related companies). The Receiver conducted a sales process for the assets, ultimately resulting in Kitsumkalum being selected as the successful bidder. On April 16, 2024, the Supreme Court of British Columbia approved the sale of the assets, including the Tenures, to Kitsumkalum, subject to statutory approvals.

26,112 m3/yr

162,484 m3/yr


128,000 m3/yr

Kalum Timber Supply Area

Nass Timber Supply Area

TFL 41

Engagement closed

Approved December 4, 2024

The Minister sought input on the subdivision of Replaceable Forest Licence A86928 (124,000 m³/year) into an amended A86928 and a new A99517 and the transfer of A99517 along with associated road permits as follows:

  • Amended A86928 – 34,000 m3 
  • A99517 – 90,000 m3

​​From Interfor Corporatation to Homalco Jeh Jeh Tenure Management Limited Partnership

Review the background information for the Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area.

124,000 m3/yr Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Decision pending

The government sought input from interested citizens of British Columbia regarding the subdivision and dispositions (TRANSFER) of RFL A99343 and A99344.

Subdivision Application

West Fraser Mills Ltd. (WFM) subdivided two of its Replaceable Forest Licenses (RFLs):

  • RFL A16830 in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area (TSA) - Current Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) of 392,313 m³/yr
  • RFL A16827 in the Morice TSA - Current AAC of 219,229 m³ /yr

If the subdivision is approved the two new RFLs A99343 and A99344 and the parent licences would now have the following AACs:

Bulkley TSA

  • Parent Licence: RFL A16830
  • NEW Licence: RFL A99343

Morice TSA

  • Parent Licence : RFL A16827
  • New Licence: RFL A99344

Transfer Application

WFM has also applied for the transfer of the two new RFLs, A99343 and A99344, from WFM to Lake Babine Forestry Ltd. (LBF) as the assignee of Lake Babine Nation (LBN). Section 54 of the Forest Act allows for the holder of an agreement to dispose of the agreement to another person provided the minister is satisfied that the requirements set out in the Forest Act section 54.1 have been met.  Once satisfied, the disposition may proceed to completion upon written notice by the minister.

New Licence: RFL A99343

New Licence: RFL A99344

Potential Future Transactions

With the transfer of A99343 and A99344 to LBF complete, LBF intends to, under sections 43.54 and 43.55 of the Forest Act, surrender the following RFLs: A99343 with an AAC of 7,558 m³ in the Bulkley TSA and A99344 with an AAC of 130.969 m³ in the Morice TSA. Amendments will then be made to LBNs First Nation Woodlot Licenses (FNWL) as follows: 

  • N2I is currently located within the Lakes and Morice TSAs (Nadina Natural Resource District). The portion of N2I that is within the Morice TSA will be removed from N2I and the area will be added into N2M
  • N2M is currently located within the Bulkley TSA (Skeena-Stikine Natural Resource District). N2M will have an area added to the Bulkley TSA and will be expanded into the Morice TSA

7,558 m3/yr

130,969 m3/yr

Bulkley Timber Supply Area

Morice Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Decision pending

Subdivision Application

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor) has applied to the Province to subdivide Replaceable Forest Licence (RFL) A15384 with an Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) of 1,082,904 m3 /year, located within the Mackenzie Timber Supply Area (TSA). If approved, the application would create two new “child” RFL licences (A98730 and A99439) while retaining the parent licence A15384.

If the subdivision is approved the two new “child” RFLs A99439 and A98730 would each have an AAC of 536,452 m³/year while the parent licence A15384 would now have an AAC of 10,000 m³/year

Transfer Application

Under Section 54 of the Forest Act, Canfor intends to dispose of the newly created “child” RFLs, including associated Road Permits and Cutting Permits, as follows:

  • RFL A98730 with an AAC of 536,452 m³/year to Tsay Keh Dene Limited Partnership (as assignee of Tsay Keh Dene Nation) (TKDN), and
  • RFL A99439 with an AAC of 536,452 m³/year to Sekani Forest Products Limited Partnership (as assignee of McLeod Lake Indian Band) (MLIB).

Licences A99439 and A98730 were subject to licence reductions through the Mackenzie TSA Apportionment process.

1,082,904 m3/yr Mackenzie Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Approved July 2, 2024

The Minister sought input on the subdivision of Replaceable Forest Licence (RFL) A19235 into an amended A19235 and new A98667 and the subsequent transfer along with associated road permits as follows:

  • Amended A19235 – 29,486 m3 to Uchucklesaht Forestry Ventures Limited Partnership
  • A98667 – 20,000 m3 to Matchlee General Partnership Ltd.

The transfer of A86838 – 49,485 m3 and associated road permits from Interfor Corporation to Cisaa Forestry LLP


98,971 m3/yr Arrowsmith Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Approved August 21, 2024 (Matchlee)

September 20, 2024 (Cissa)

December 8, 2024 (Uchucklesaht)

The Minister of Forests has received a request from Interfor Corporation for the transfer of the following Replaceable Forest Licences and associated road permits:

  • A94730 – 104,689 m3 to Tiičma Forestry Inc.
  • A94732 – 63,495 m3 to Quatsino First Nation
  • A94731 – 87,015 m3 to Cape Mudge Forestry Ltd.
  • A94733 – 42,330 m3 to Cape Mudge Forestry Ltd.
  • A94734 – 36,047 m3 to Cape Mudge Forestry Ltd.

Review the background information for North Island Timber Supply Area.

168,184 m3/yr North Island Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Approved February 2, 2024 (Tiičma)

February 16, 2024 (Cape Mudge)

Transfer of A94732 cancelled

The Minister of Forests has received a request from Interfor Corporation for:

The subdivision of Replaceable Forest Licence A19220 into an amended A19220, a new A98741, and a new A98809 and the subsequent transfer along with associated road permits as follows:

  • A98741 – 18,550 m3 to Klahoose First Nation
  • A98809 – 81,450 m3 to Klahoose Forestry Limited Partnership
  • Amended A19220 – 81,031 m3 to Klahoose Forestry Limited Partnership

The transfer of Replaceable Forest Licence A19224 – 81,450 m3 and associated road permits to Tsain-ko Forestry Development Corporation

The transfer of Replaceable Forest Licence A98515 – 40,000 m3 and associated road permits to Tsain-ko Forestry Development Corporation

221,450 m3/yr Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Approved October 31, 2023 (Klahoose)

January 31 and December 18, 2024 (Tsain-ko)

The Minister of Forests has received a request for the approval of the transfer of multiple licences, listed below, and associated road permits, from Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. to Pacific Woodtech Canada Holdings Ltd.

  • TFL55 - 65,325 m³/year
  • RFL A18669 - 118,919 m³/year
  • RFL A17645 - 263,466 m³/year
  • RFL A82664 - 40,000 m³/year

Review the proponents' statement announcing their proposed transaction.

487,710 m3/yr

Thompson Okanagan


Kootenay Boundary Regions 

Engagement closed

Approved July 9, 2024

The Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has received a request for the approval of the transfer of Non-Replaceable Forest Licence (NRFL) A89983, and associated road permits, from Fort St James Green Energy Limited Partnership to Bionorth Energy Limited Partnership. Bionorth Energy is a partnership among Arrow Northern Services Inc., the Nak’azdli Development Corporation, and Nexus PMGInfrastructure Advisory Services.

NRFL A89983 is a bioenergy licence issued under section 13.1(5) of the Forest Act. The licence expires on October 30, 2038. The licence is currently restricted to the following timber specifications:

  • A minimum of 70% Pine species content based on gross cruise volume, and
  • A minimum of 70% pine volume content must be damaged timber based on gross cruise volume, and
  • No greater than 150 m³/ha or less volume per hectare based on net cruise volume.

Review the proponents' statement announcing their proposed transaction.

370,000 m3/yr

Supply Blocks A, B and C of the Prince George Timber Supply Area

Engagement closed

Approved February 15, 2022


The Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has received a request for the approval of the transfer of Replaceable Forest License (“RFL”) A17007 from Canadian Forest Products Ltd. to Peak Fort Nelson Properties Ltd.

RFL A17007 is administered within the Fort Nelson Timber Supply Area.

The Minister approved this transfer on August 18, 2021.

553,716 m3/yr Northeast Natural Resource Region

Engagement closed

Approved August 18, 2021

PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., solely in its capacity as trustee of the assets, undertakings and properties of C. & C. Wood Products Ltd., requests approval for the disposition (transfer) of the Non-Replaceable Forest Licence (NRFL) A79982 from C. & C. Wood Products Ltd. to Quesnel Investments Corporation.

NRFL A79982 is administered within the Quesnel Timber Supply Area and has an allowable annual cut of 68,130 cubic meters per year (m3/yr). There is a total of 577,889 m3 remaining under the licence and the term of the licence expires on December 31, 2027.

68,130 m3/yr Cariboo Natural Resource Region

Engagement closed

Approved November 5, 2020

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. & Interfor Corporation

Tree Farm Licence 18 and Forest Licence A18688, which include 21 associated road permits

Tree Farm Licence 18: 164,500  m3/yr

A18688: 184,481  m3/yr

Thompson-Okanagan Natural Resource Region

Engagement closed

Approved February 27, 2020

Conifex Inc. & Fort St. James Forest Products General Partner Ltd. (Hampton Lumber Mills – Canada Ltd.)

Forest Licence A77955 and 22 associated road permits

440,000 m3/yr

Omineca Natural Resource Region

Engagement closed

Approved October 25, 2019

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about timber tenure transfers.