Organic aquaculture

Last updated on January 8, 2021

Organic aquaculture standard

Organic aquaculture production is based on national standards for organic aquaculture. Canadian standards have been in place for aquaculture producers since 2012.


Aquaculture & aquaponics products produced in Canada can be certified under the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standard (#: CAN/CGSB-32.312-2012) and if they meet the requirement of the standard can be labelled as such. This standard has been incorporated into the new Safe Food for Canadians Act and will be a regulated Federal standard once the new regulations under the Act come into effect.

Upcoming organic policy changes

Starting in the fall of 2018, all food and beverage products marketed in B.C. as “organic” must be certified through an accredited federal or provincial certification body. This new approach could also apply to organic aquaculture products.

Aquaculture production and processing

Aquaculture production in B.C. includes finfish, shelfish and marine plants. There are several types of licensing requirements, and stewardship certification options for aquaculture production and seafood processing.

Useful contacts

AgriService BC

Have a question? Call or email us.

Telephone: 1 888 221-7141
