Find information on how to manage common animal pests, or vertebrates in a hazelnut orchard.
Birds can cause a substantial impact on yield by eating or pecking the nuts before harvest. Stellar jays and crows feed on ripening nuts. Flocks will congregate in hazelnut orchards and can have a substantial impact on yield. Wild turkeys will also feed on nuts in the fall and buds during the winter months.
Possible methods of controlling birds in orchards include physical exclusion, visual repellants and audible bird scare devices. Understanding the birds feeding behaviour can help when planning a control strategy.
CAUTION: The use of audible bird scare devices (ABSD) is regulated by the “Farm Practices protection (Right to Farm) Act”. Several local governments have noise bylaws dealing with ABSD including, Delta, Pitt Meadows, Langley, Surrey and Abbotsford. Check with your municipal government area
Information on other types of bird control available can be found by visiting the following website: “Integrated Bird Management”
As a general rule, multiple methods will be required to manage problem bird populations in orchards, and these should be initiated early. Vary the timing, placement and type of device throughout the season to avoid acclimation of birds to the repellant.
Deer occasionally cause serious damage on hazelnuts. They feed on the foliage, buds or nuts of many and this can impact growth and yield. Bucks will also rub antlers against tree trunks, damaging bark.
Raccoons can be a significant problem in hazelnut orchards and can remove maturing nuts from several acres of trees before harvest. They may also break the branches when climbing trees to feed on nuts.
Squirrels, mice, voles and other rodents feed on nuts, roots and tree bark near the ground. Squirrels eat ripening nuts and carry mature nuts away. Mice and voles are often only a problem when populations are very high, as populations are often kept in check by their many natural predators.
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