Introduction to PLIS - EPLHA.01

Last updated on August 19, 2015

The Provincial Laboratory Information Solution (PLIS) is a province-wide repository of laboratory information that can be shared by authorized health care providers across the province. PLIS contains approximately 95% of all laboratory test results performed by public and private community laboratories across B.C. The laboratory results are sent to PLIS in near to real time and are available for downloading into approved point of service (POS) systems.

PLIS provides physicians and other authorized health care providers the benefit of having:

  • timely access to lab information for decision making at their point of service;
  • more comprehensive and complete lab test information; and
  • the ability to see patient tests ordered by other health care providers and avoid duplicate testing.

From within the patient chart, PLIS users can:

  • request patient lab information;
  • view/select the lab results to retrieve; and
  • review lab reports.

It is important to note the following lab results are not available through PLIS:

  • clinical trials where specific privacy or contractual agreements are in place;
  • research studies as results often have not been validated for clinical use;
  • third party or self-pay tests processed by private laboratories;
  • blood products and other transfused products;
  • laboratory test results conducted explicitly for forensic purpose;
  • patients in remand centers;
  • out of province testing that has not been entered into a lab information system;
  • public health reportable tests collected prior to January 26, 2011;
  • non-nominal HIV testing collected prior to May 31, 2012; and
  • some specialized laboratory results.

Questions regarding laboratory results must be directed to the testing laboratory, which is the source of truth for the laboratory result.

Table of Contents for PLIS Education Material for Health Authority