Occupational Therapy

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia (CHCPBC) is the regulatory body established to regulate dietetics, occupational therapy, opticianry, optometry, physical therapy, psychology, and speech and hearing health professions. The CHCPBC was established on June 28, 2024. The CHCPBC resulted from the amalgamation of the College of Dietitians of BC, the College of Occupational Therapists of BC, the College of Opticians of BC, the College of Optometrists of BC, the College of Physical Therapists of BC, the College of Psychologists of BC, and the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.  

Occupational therapy has been a designated health profession under the Health Professions Act since December 8, 1998, and is regulated by the College in accordance with the Act, the Occupational Therapists Regulation and the bylaws of the College.

Before designation under the Health Professions Act, the profession was unregulated in British Columbia.

Amendments to the Occupational Therapists Regulation

Amendments to the Occupational Therapists Regulation and to most College bylaws are subject to a three-month notice period, unless the Minister specifies a shorter period.

The College is responsible for giving notice of proposed bylaw amendments, including posting them on the College website, and all bylaw amendments must be filed with the Minister to be effective. Filed bylaws come into force 60 days after the date of filing, unless the Minister either disallows the change or specifies an earlier date, or the College withdraws the change.

The full text of the current bylaws and information about any proposed bylaw amendments may be obtained by contacting the College. Comments on proposed bylaw amendments should be submitted to both the College and the Ministry


Proposed Regulation Amendments

Proposed Regulation Amendments Notice Date



Approved Regulation Amendments

Approved Regulation Amendments Date
Amends the Occupational Therapists Regulation to reflect the name of the amalgamated college: College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia, effective June 28, 2024. February 27, 2024 
MO 49/2024 
BC Reg 32/2024
Makes the Occupational Therapists Regulation, effective October 17, 2008. October 15, 2008
MO 246/2008
BC Reg 286/2008
Repeals the Occupational Therapists Regulation (BC Reg 432/98), effective October 17, 2008.
Continues the designation of occupational therapy under the Health Professions Designation Regulation, effective October 17, 2008.
October 10, 2008
OIC 737/2008
BC Reg 270/2008
Makes the Occupational Therapists Regulation (section 3 not in force for 18 months). December 8, 1998
OIC 1500/98
BC Reg 432/98

Filed Bylaw Amendments

Filed Bylaw Amendments Date
Repeals and replaces the College bylaws. Filed August 3, 2017
In force October 2, 2017
Amends the bylaws by repealing Section 31(3) regarding resolutions proposed by registrants, and adding Section 66.1, Schedule E, and Schedule F. Filed August 26, 2014
In force October 25, 2014
Amends the bylaws by repealing and replacing Schedule A (fees). Filed March 17, 2014
In force May 16, 2014
Amends the bylaws by repealing and replacing Schedule A (fees). Filed March 1, 2013
In force April 30, 2013
Amends section 30 of the bylaws regarding notice of general meetings. Filed August 5, 2010
In force September 1, 2010
MO 226/2010
Amends the bylaws by repealing and replacing Schedule A (fees), effective May 1, 2010. Filed October 5, 2009
In force December 4, 2009
Amends the bylaws to change the date of the first Annual General Meeting of the College from May 2001 to the Fall of 2001. April 6, 2001
OIC 453/2001
Approves the bylaws of the College. February 17, 2000
OIC 204/2000


Other Date
Orders that the date by which the first election must be held is changed to January 1, 2001. June 2, 2000
MO 214/2000
Appoints the first board of the College and orders that the first election of professional members to the board must be held on or before July 1, 2000. November 16, 1998
MO 373/98


Contact information

College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia 

Website: www.chcpbc.org

Toll Free
200 Granville, Suite 900
Vancouver, BC, V6C1S4