Limited coverage criteria – ustekinumab for ulcerative colitis

Last updated on March 25, 2025


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Generic name





Wezlana 90 mg/1 mL
130 mg/26 mL (5 mg/mL)
pre-filled, single-use syringe for subcutaneous injection
single-use vial for intravenous infusion

Special Authority criteria

Approval period


For the treatment of adult patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when ALL of the following criteria are met:

  • Special Authority request is submitted by a gastroenterologist


  • Patient has a partial Mayo score1 of at least 4 for the sum of stool frequency, rectal bleeding, and physicians global assessment, and
    • Patient has a rectal bleeding subscore of at least 2


  • Patient has had a trial of 5-ASA products for a minimum of 4 weeks


  • Patient has had a course of steroids equivalent to oral prednisone 40 mg or more daily for a minimum of 14 days2, or
    • Patient is unable to complete a course of steroids equivalent to oral prednisone 40 mg or more daily for a minimum of 14 days due to contraindication(s) or intolerance(s)/adverse event(s)

12 weeks


For the continued treatment of adult patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when ALL of the following criteria are met:

  • Special Authority request is submitted by a gastroenterologist


  • Patient has a partial Mayo score reduction from baseline of at least 2 for the sum of stool frequency, rectal bleeding, and physician's global assessment, and
    • With a decrease in baseline rectal bleeding subscore of at least 1, or a rectal bleeding subscore of 0 or 1
1 year

Practitioner exemptions

  • None

Special notes

  • 1Patient's partial Mayo score must be completed after their course of therapy of 5-ASA and steroids and prior to their initiation with ustekinumab therapy
  • 2Patient must be either steroid resistant (displaying a lack of symptomatic response to therapy) or steroid dependent (defined as: unable to withdraw oral corticosteroid within 3 months of initiation without a recurrence of symptoms; a symptomatic relapse within 3 months of stopping; or the need for 2 or more courses of corticosteroids within 1 year)
  • PharmaCare coverage will not be provided for ustekinumab in combination with a biologic drug, a janus kinase (JAK)-inhibitor, or a sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulator for ulcerative colitis
  • PharmaCare coverage is limited to maintenance dosages of subcutaneous ustekinumab of 90 mg every 8 weeks
  • PharmaCare covers a maximum of 84 days' supply per fill of ustekinumab
  • Additional information expected to assist with processing of coverage requests is detailed on the forms linked below (and on the eForms published online) 

Special Authority request form(s)