Limited coverage criteria – vancomycin

Last updated on March 24, 2025


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Generic name


Strength & form

125 mg, 250 mg capsule

Special Authority criteria

Approval period

For the treatment of symptomatic clostridium difficile infection (CDI), when:

The patient is allergic, resistant or intolerant to metronidazole


The patient has failed to respond to 4 to 6 days of oral metronidazole at doses of 500 mg three times per day


The patient has symptoms of moderate to severe disease or is experiencing a second disease recurrencei


The patient was initiated on vancomycin as an inpatient (e.g., in a hospital setting, nursing home, or long-term care facility) and requires continuation of vancomycin to complete their full course of therapy

Initial: up to 14 days

Second or further recurrence: up to 14 days

Practitioner exemptions

  • None

Special notes

  1. Recurrence is defined as a subsequent CDI episode occurring within 2 to 8 weeks of the date of diagnosis of a previous episode
  2. Vancomycin capsules are a full benefit for patients registered with Plan P (Palliative Care)
  3. Prescribers may submit SA requests at any time. A coverage decision is generally provided within one business day for faxed forms (and may be quicker with eForms)
  4. Urgent Special Authority requests can be made:
  • If the patient meets any of the criteria. The prescriber can contact the Special Authority line Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm (excluding statutory holidays), to request authorization; or
  • After hours, if a patient meets any of the criteria. The prescriber can contact the 24/7 PharmaNet Help Desk to request initial urgent coverage for vancomycin. All requests to renew existing coverage must be made through Special Authority via fax or phone during regular business hours
  • pharmacists may request Special Authority coverage for vancomycin dispensed after a hospital stay. For more information regarding when pharmacists can request Special Authority, refer to Limited coverage drugs

Special Authority requests form(s)