Rapid antigen test (RAT) kits

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Community pharmacies may claim $75 per case of publicly funded COVID-19 rapid antigen test (RAT) kits distributed. RAT kits must be distributed one at a time, with an instruction sheet, at no charge to the client. Clients do not need to be a B.C. resident. They do not need to show ID. The pharmacy does not need to collect or record their PHN.

Health Canada periodically extends RAT kit expiry dates. Visit Health Canada’s web page, Authorized medical devices for uses related to COVID-19 and the BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19 website for current information.

PharmaNet procedures

 Pharmacy staff must enter the PIN in PharmaNet on opening a case.

  1. Enter PIN: 66128325 for BNTX case or 66128338 for Artron case
  2. Enter pharmacy’s O-Med PHN.
  3. Enter the number of cases in Quantity.
  4. The claim will adjudicate as a non-benefit and will be paid monthly.

Patient instruction sheets

The BCCDC instruction sheet is available for printing in several languages.

For more details, visit Section 8.15, Rapid antigen test kit distribution, PharmaCare Policy Manual