Reimbursement schedule for osseointegration components

Last updated on January 31, 2024

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The following list represents the total PharmaCare funding for a minimum of three years.

Osseointegration components
Osseointegration components
Sample details / part # 
Taper sleeve Mac #305024 / Ortho #78500030
Dual cone adapter (Sample BM101T6-1)
Bushing – has sheer pin Mac #305124-3 / Ortho #78500100; 78500106; 78500112
Pylon adapter 2R38
Tube clamp 4R52
2 locking screws # 78500040 78500060
Mac 305064, 305065
Knee connector (clamp) different sizes or offset Knee connector – different sizes or offset MAC 305105 (L); 305106 (R) / Ortho #78500206; 78500212; 78500215; 78500218; 78500221; 78500224; 78500306; 78500312; 78500315; 78500318; 78500321; 78500324
Silicone cover/cap – covers abutment Mac #306000; Ortho #78500020
Foot Vari-Flex Pyramid (note this foot includes vertical shock) 
Foot PLTO Pro-Flex LP Torsion (no torsion adapter)
Torsion adapters 4R39 (torsion adapter) only with Vari-Flex foot
Positional rotator 4R57 (button to twist)
Microprocessor knee Rheo