1150 - Grants & Other Transfer Arrangements

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to the financial management and control of grants and other transfers of money from ministries and agencies to individuals, businesses, and other external entities.  Transfers are funding provided through grants, entitlements (e.g., social assistance), and transfer under agreements (TUAs) (e.g., contribution agreements).

Record types include correspondence, copies of award documents, signed agreements, and copies of payment requisitions. 

NOTE:  Classify applications, eligibility criteria, award documentation, and recipient reporting and monitoring in the ORCS of the relevant program. 

For accounts payable, see secondary 925-20.
For B.C. government employee entitlements, see primary 1315 and the records of Payroll Services.
For contracts, see primary 1070.
For cost-sharing agreements, see primary 950.
For grants and other funding programs, see the ORCS of the relevant program area.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for: SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
1150-00 Policy and procedures SO 7y DE
1150-01 General FY+1y nil DE
1150-20 Grant accounting files
(covers discretionary funding awarded with no contractual obligations)
SO = when grant is paid out or when grant is withdrawn or cancelled
7y = The Comptroller General has advised that these records are required for seven years for program auditing purposes.
DE = Grant accounting files can be destroyed because applications, eligibility criteria, award documentation, and recipient reporting and monitoring records are covered in the ORCS of the relevant program.
SO 7y DE
1150-25 Entitlement accounting files
(covers non-discretionary payments to recipients who qualify for the payments under the program’s eligibility criteria)
8y = The retention period satisfies the program auditing requirements for these records.
FY+1y 6y DE
1150-30 Transfer under agreement accounting files
(covers funding provided under the terms and conditions of agreements [e.g., contribution agreements])
(includes signed agreements)
SO = upon expiry or termination of the agreement and satisfactory completion of the funded project, program or service; and if applicable, upon completion of audit
7y = The retention period is based on the six-year limitation period for commencing an action under the Limitation Act (RSBC 1996, c. 266, s. 3).
DE = Transfer under agreement accounting files can be destroyed because applications, eligibility criteria, award documentation, and recipient reporting and monitoring records are covered in the ORCS of the relevant program.
NOTE:  For administrative convenience, these files may be classified with contracts under secondary 1070-20.
SO 7y DE

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