140 - Legislation, Ministry or Agency

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to legislation administered and developed by a ministry or agency.  This includes the annual legislative program of ministries and agencies, as well as the development of legislation (i.e., acts) and subordinate legislation (e.g., regulations, orders in council [OICs], and orders made under the authority of an act that do not require the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council [e.g., ministerial orders]).  It also includes a collection of approved legislation administered by ministries and agencies.

Record types include correspondence, working papers, requests for legislation, legislation, lists, indexes, and briefing notes and packages.

For Cabinet submissions, see primary 201.
For draft and approved legislation pertaining to other ministries or agencies, see primary 125.
For OICs for board appointments, see primary 125.
For researching and proposing changes to federal legislation, see the relevant program ORCS.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
140-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
140-01 General CY+2y nil DE
140-02 Legislative project status tracking
(covers legislative project and decision registers, index, lists, and other tracking documents)
SO = when updated and no longer required for reference purposes
NOTE: These records are used to track the progress and status of legislation projects, including legislative decisions for the current year. 
SO nil DE
140-03 Legislative program
SO =  upon conclusion of legislative session, and when no longer required for reference purposes
FR = The government archives will fully retain legislative program files because they document a ministry’s legislative program for a given year.
SO nil FR
140-20 Legislation development case files
(covers legislative proposals, requests for legislation, draft legislation, and other records of the development and revision of statutes)
SO = upon completion or abandonment of legislation project, and when no longer required for reference purposes
DE = Legislative development case files can be destroyed because the development process is sufficiently documented in records fully retained from Legislative Counsel under the Legal Services ORCS (secondary 34200-20 drafting of legislation case files), which document the process from requests for legislation, through the development stages and consultations with ministries and the cabinet.
SO nil DE
140-50 Subordinate legislation development case files
(covers the development and revision of regulations, OICs, ministerial orders, and other non-OIC orders such as emergency orders, which are made under the authority of a statute and do not require the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council)
SO = upon completion or abandonment of subordinate legislation project, and when no longer required for reference purposes
DE = Records covered by this secondary will be destroyed because they are sufficiently documented through full retention of completed subordinate legislation.
NOTE: Alternatively for administrative convenience, these records may be classified with the legislation development case files under secondary -20.
SO nil DE
140-60 Approved ministry/agency-administered legislation
(covers final, approved ministry/agency-administered legislation, regulations, and OICs)
SO = when no longer required for reference purposes
SO nil FR

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