Determining Clients with No Employability-Related Obligations

Last updated on October 1, 2024


Recipients of assistance under the Employment and Assistance Act may be required to enter into an Employability Plan (EP) which identifies employability-related conditions.  

Recipients who meet certain criteria may be exempt from entering into an EP and do not have employability-related obligations and/or are not subject to consequences of failing to meet those obligations. 

There are no employability-related obligations under the Employment and Assistance for Persons for Disabilities Act.  



Clients with No Employability-Related Obligations

Effective: September 1, 2024

The following recipients receiving assistance under the Employment and Assistance Act are exempt from entering into Employability Plans and do not have employability-related obligations and/or are not subject to consequences of failing to meet those obligations. The following recipients are considered to have No Employability-related Obligations (NEO):

  • Person has reached 65 years of age
  • Sole recipient with dependent child under three years old
  • Sole recipient with dependent child with physical or mental condition
  • Sole recipient with Child in Home of a Relative (CIHR) under three years old
  • Sole recipient with CIHR with physical or mental condition
  • Sole recipient with foster child under three years old
  • Sole recipient with foster child with a physical or mental condition
  • Sole recipient providing care for a child under three years in an out-of-care living arrangement under the Child, Family and Community Service Act
  • Sole recipient providing care for a child with a physical or mental condition that precludes the caregiver from leaving home for employment. This exemption does not apply to 2 parent families where only one parent is precluded from leaving home for employment.
  • Person residing in special care facility or hospital
  • Person admitted to hospital because they require extended care
  • Person residing with and caring for spouse with a physical or mental condition
  • Person participating in treatment or rehabilitation program
  • Person separated from abusive spouse / relative within previous six months
  • Person qualified as Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB)
  • Persons not described in section 7 (2) (citizenship requirements)
  • Sole applicant or recipient who qualifies for an exemption from citizenship requirements
  • Recipients who are homeless or are at imminent risk of homelessness (for guidelines on determining an imminent risk of homelessness, see Related Links Sanctions- Policy- Reasons for Sanctions)

Note: Person(s) separated from abusive spouse / relative within previous six months do not need to provide verification of abuse.

Exemptions from entering into and complying with Employability Plans should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Note: Sanctions should not be imposed on recipients in situations where there may be other barriers that impede the recipient entering into or complying with an Employability Plan (See Related Links- Employability Plan- Policy- Temporarily Exempting or Suspending an Employability Plan).

It is the recipient’s responsibility to provide information regarding any circumstances that interfere with their ability to meet employability-related obligations.

Where recipients disagree with the decision of the Ministry, they should be advised of their right to request reconsideration of the decision. 

If, at any time, the recipient no longer meets the criteria for an exemption from entering into Employability Plans, the recipient must be notified and assessed to determine if an Employability Plan is required.

See Procedures – No Employability-Related Obligations for a complete listing of NEO categories, exclusion codes and verification requirements.


Expected to Work Clients who have a Temporary Medical Condition

Effective: September 1, 2024

Persons with temporary medical conditions are considered Expected to Work – Medical Condition (ETW-MC) if their condition interferes to the extent of obstructing, impeding or preventing their ability to participate in employment, including part-time work (i.e., minimum 10 hours per week).  These recipients may still require Employability Plans which may include activities which will improve their employability. These recipients may be formally referred to or voluntarily access WorkBC Employment Services (ES).

Note: Some ETW-MC recipients may be assessed as temporarily exempt from entering into or complying with Employability Plans [for more information see Employability Plan - Policy – Temporarily Exempting or Suspending an Employability Plan].



No Employability-related Obligations Categories

Effective: September 1, 2024

The following Table is a list of categories of recipients who do not have employability-related obligations.  Recipients who fall into these categories cannot be sanctioned for failure to meet employability-related obligations.

Table: Categories of Persons with No Employability-related Obligations, Exclusion Codes and Verification Requirement


Category (description)



Person has reached 65 years of age

Age of recipient – in Contacts on the Case (birth certificate)


Sole recipient with dependent child under three years old

Age of child – in Contacts on the Case (birth certificate)


Sole recipient with dependent child with physical or mental condition

With child – in SD More Info on the Case (birth certificate)

Physical or mental condition – Note, letter or telephone conversation from an appropriate health care worker* that:

  • identifies the medical condition
  • in the Minister's opinion, indicates that the recipient is unable to leave the home for purposes of employment
  • identifies the duration of the condition


Sole recipient with Child in Home of a Relative (CIHR) under three years old

Age of CIHR – in SD More Info on the Case (birth certificate)


Sole recipient with CIHR with physical or mental condition

With CIHR –in SD More Info on the Case

Physical or mental condition – Note, letter or telephone conversation from an appropriate health care worker* that:

  • identifies the medical condition
  • in the Minister's opinion, indicates that the recipient is unable to leave the home for purposes of employment
  • identifies the duration of the condition.


Sole recipient with foster child under three years old

With foster child – Note or letter from MCFD or Social Worker indicating:

  • foster child placement
  • foster child age
  • duration of placement


Sole recipient with foster child with a physical or mental condition

With foster child – Note or letter from MCFD or Social Worker indicating:

  • foster child placement
  • foster child age
  • duration of placement

Physical or mental condition – Note, letter or telephone conversation from an appropriate health care worker* that:

  • identifies the medical condition
  • in the Minister's opinion, indicates that the recipient is unable to leave the home for purposes of employment
  • identifies the duration of the condition


Sole recipient providing care for a child under three years in an out-of-care living arrangement under the Child, Family and Community Service Act.

With a child in an out-of-care living arrangement – Note or letter from MCFD or Social Worker indicating:

  • out-of-care living arrangement
  • child's age
  • ​duration of placement


Sole recipient providing care for a child with a physical or mental condition that precludes the caregiver from leaving home for employment.

With a child in an out-of-care living arrangement – Note or letter from MCFD or Social Worker indicating:

  • out-of-care living arrangement
  • child's age
  • duration of placement

Physical or mental condition – Note, letter or telephone conversation from an appropriate health care worker* that:

  • identifies the medical condition
  • in the Minister's opinion, indicates that the recipient is unable to leave the home for purposes of employment
  • ​identifies the duration of the condition


Person residing in special care facility or hospital

Residence: Note, letter or phone call from institution indicating:

  • residency status
  • duration of residency


Person admitted to hospital because they require extended care

Residence – Note, letter or phone call from institution indicating:

  • residency status
  • ​duration of residency.


Person residing with and caring for spouse with a physical or mental condition

Spouse – in Contacts on the Case (birth certificate)

Physical or mental condition – Note, letter or telephone conversation from an appropriate health care worker* that:

  • identifies the medical condition of spouse
  • in the Minister's opinion, indicates that the recipient is unable to leave the home for the purpose of employment
  • identifies the duration of the condition of spouse


Person participating in treatment or rehabilitation program

Drug or alcohol treatment – Note, letter or telephone call from a representative of the designated treatment centre that:

  • indicates that the recipient is participating in treatment
  • indicates that their drug / alcohol treatment interferes with their ability to search for, accept or continue in employment
  • ​indicates the duration of treatment program


Person separated from abusive spouse / relative within previous six months

Applicant/recipient states they are fleeing abuse from a spouse or relative


Person qualified as PPMB

See PPMB Guidelines


Persons not described in section 7 (2) [citizenship requirements]

Does not meet citizenship requirements – Any information the person can produce.  With or without information, forward all cases to immigration liaison for verification.  Examples include visitors, students, and persons who have not yet applied for refugee status.  

* "Health care worker" for the purposes of this Table only, means a person who is authorized under an enactment to practice the profession of:

  1. a medical practitioner
  2. a registered psychologist
  3. a registered nurse or registered psychiatric nurse
  4. an occupational therapist
  5. a physical therapist
  6. a social worker; or
  7. a registered clinical counselor

A sole recipient providing care for a child with a physical or mental condition that precludes the caregiver from leaving home for employment may be considered to have No Employability-related Obligations (NEO). However, a 2 parent family unit providing care for that child is not considered to be NEO as one parent can still participate fully in the labour market.


Reviewing Clients with No Employability-related Obligations Status

Effective: September 01, 2024

Setting a client status to No Employability-related Obligations (NEO) is intended to be temporary and must be reviewed regularly to ensure the circumstances for which the exemption was granted still exist and interfere with employment.

End dates are determined based on the duration of the circumstances for which the NEO status is granted.  For example, for a person caring for an infirm spouse, the end date for the NEO exemption would be the date the spouse’s condition is expected to resolve.

While reviews can be conducted at any time, they must be conducted at least one month prior to the end date.

Unless information is provided to warrant an extension, the client will be assessed to determine if they are required to enter into an EP when the end date for the condition is reached.


Documentation Requirements

Effective: April 19, 2004

Information to be documented includes:

  • Circumstances that warrant No Employability-related Obligations (NEO) status
  • Duration of the circumstances
  • Impact of circumstances on client’s employability
  • Review date for NEO status if exemption is approved

Employability Plans for Persons with No Employability-related Obligations (NEO)

Effective: September 01, 2024

Recipients who have been assessed as having No Employability-related Obligations (NEO) are not required to enter into an Employability Plan (EP).  Recipients with an existing EP may have their EP temporarily suspended or closed.  [For more information see Related Links – Employability Plan]

Recipients with no employability-related obligations who require prior approval (e.g., single parent with a child under three who wants to enrol in a full-time unfunded program of studies, such as Literacy classes) or wish to participate in a ministry program may enter into a Voluntary Employability Plan (VEP) with the Ministry.  

Note that NEO clients who are accepted by the WorkBC Employment Services (ES) for case management are not required to have a VPP; these clients will have an WorkBC ES Action Plan created by WorkBC ES instead [see Related Links – Voluntary Participation Plan].

Authorities and Responsibilities



Effective: September 01, 2024

No Employability-Related Obligations
Ministry Staff
  • All exemptions from employability-related obligations with verification
  • All exemptions from employability-related obligations without verification