2021 Review of Allegations of Bad Faith and Unlawful Activities (VMC)

Last updated on May 31, 2024

BCFIRB is undertaking a supervisory review of allegations of bad faith and unlawful activity raised in court filings alleging misfeasance of public office by members and staff of the BC Vegetable Marketing Commission. See the Notice of Supervisory Review (May 26, 2021) (PDF) for more information.

Purpose: To determine whether these allegations of wrongdoing can be substantiated and what resulting orders or directions may be required.

To ensure public confidence in the administration of the regulated vegetable industry in BC the Review process will be swift. Please note the submission deadlines under “Review Process”.

Review Process

Allegations of bad faith and unlawful activity by public officials warrant a high degree of procedural fairness, and accordingly an oral hearing will be held, anticipated to take place in mid to late summer of 2021 (either in-person or by videoconference).  Next steps in the review include:


Step 1: Distribution of Notice May 26, 2021 [Complete]

Distribution of Review Notice to Prokam Enterprises Ltd., Mastronardi Produce Ltd., and regulated vegetable sector stakeholders.


Step 2: Participation and Interim Orders JUNE 4, 2021 [Complete]

BCFIRB is requesting written submissions from industry by JUNE 4, 2021 on:

  1. Intention to participate;
  2. Any similar allegations to those listed under “Scope and Focus” in the Notice of Review or related to other Commission regulatory activities; and
  3. Any interim BCFIRB Orders required in the public interest to ensure the fair administration of the Vegetable Marketing Scheme pending the outcome of the supervisory review process.


Send submissions to:

Email: Wanda.Gorsuch@gov.bc.ca, cc: firb@gov.bc.ca

All written submissions will be posted to the BCFIRB website. Persons are responsible in the first instance for informing BCFIRB if, in their view, the information they are providing is confidential. The panel will assess the information and reasons for confidentiality before determining if or how the information should be disclosed.


Step 3: BCFIRB decision - participation and Interim Orders JUNE 14, 2021 [Complete]

BCFIRB to issue a decision on participation and any Interim Orders.


Step 4: Establish final review process JUNE 18, 2021 [Complete]

BCFIRB to finalize terms of reference and issue rules of practice and procedure, including a procedure for producing documents.

Revised: Submissions sought on draft rules of practice and procedure and Interim Orders


Step 5: Prehearing Conference re-scheduled for JUNE 30, 2021 [Complete]

Prehearing conference call with BCFIRB supervisory panel and participants to discuss next steps, including the conduct of the oral hearing.


Step 6: Finalize Rules of Procedure (JULY 9, 2021) and Interim Orders [Complete]

BCFIRB to finalize rules of practice and procedure, request final submissions on Interim Orders.


Step 7: Hearing Counsel Investigation 

BCFIRB Hearing Counsel to receive submissions and conduct interviews


Step 8: BCFIRB decision – oral hearing Jan 31 to Feb 11, 2022

Due to COVID-19 the hearing is by video conference. Once the oral hearing concludes, BCFIRB to determine whether the allegations are substantiated and what resulting orders or directions may be required based on the evidence presented.


Review letters and documents are posted to ensure a transparent, fair and accountable process. Persons are responsible in the first instance for informing BCFIRB if, in their view, the information they are providing is confidential. The panel will assess the information and reasons for confidentiality before determining if or how the information should be disclosed.

Use the search box and the table sort function (click in the table headings) to find documents. 

Timeline and Documents Table
When Who What
2024-05-31 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Response to VMC's Request for clarification 
2024-05-10 VMC Letter (PDF) Request for clarification 
2024-03-15 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Allegation Review Phase II 
2024-01-08 Hearing Counsel Final Reply (PDF) Submission Phase II
2024-01-04 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Hearing Counsel Final reply submission extension
2023-12-15 Prokam Written Argument (PDF) Submission Phase II
2023-12-01 BCFresh Written Argument (PDF) & Corrigendum (PDF) Submission Phase II
2023-11-24 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling on BCFresh Additional evidence application
2023-11-24 Solymosi Written Argument (PDF) Submission Phase II
2023-11-23 VMC Written Argument (PDF) Submission Phase II
2023-11-17 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Submission on BCFresh Additional evidence application
2023-11-08 BCFresh Letter (PDF) Additional evidence application 
2023-10-27 Hearing Counsel Written Argument (PDF) Submission Phase II
2023-10-20 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Continuation of Phase II
2023-10-12 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Phase II proposed next steps  
2023-08-21 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Investigation submission deadline
2023-07-04 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Phase II investigation extension
2023-06-28 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Phase II investigation extension request
2023-06-12 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Phase II Hearing Counsel investigation recommendation
2023-06-05 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Hearing Counsel final reply
2023-05-25 Parties Submissions on Phase II proposed investigation
                 BCFresh (PDF)
                 Prokam (PDF)
                 VMC (PDF)
2023-05-19 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Phase II proposed investigation extension
2023-04-26 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Phase II proposed investigation
2023-03-24 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Phase II schedule
2023-03-22 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Phase II schedule recommendation
2023-03-06 Hearing Counsel  Letter (PDF) Phase II schedule proposal to parties
2023-01-25 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Regarding MPL and BCFIRB Phase II
                Schedule A (PDF) Hearing Counsel Submission and MPL Letters on Jan 18, 2023
                Schedule B (PDF) VMC Submission on Jan 20, 2023   
                Schedule C (PDF) MPL Counsel Confirmation on Jan 20, 2023
2023-01-20 Parties Submissions on MPL application
                VMC (PDF)
                BCFresh (PDF)
2023-01-19 BCFIRB Email (PDF) submission schedule
2023-01-18 Hearing Counsel Submission (PDF) MPL application
               MPL Counsel Letter (PDF) 
               P. Mastronardi Letter (PDF)
2022-11-02 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Corrigendum to Process Part II
2022-10-27 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Reply on October 21, 2022 decision
2022-10-21 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Process Part II 
2022-09-09 Hearing Counsel  Submission (PDF) Final reply - process
2022-08-31 BCFIRB Hearing Counsel Final Reply Extension Decision (PDF)
2022-08-25 Parties

Hearing Counsel Recommendations - Submissions
              Solymosi Letter (PDF)
              Commissioners Letter (PDF)
              MPL Letter (PDF)
              Prokam Letter (PDF)       
              Bajwa Farma Letter (PDF) 

2022-08-17 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Submissions on Hearing Counsel Recommendations
2022-08-12 Parties  Hearing Counsel Process Recommendations - Responses
              Bajwa Farms Letter (PDF)
              Commissioners Letter (PDF)
              MPL Letter (PDF)
              Prokam Letter (PDF)
2022-07-29 Solymosi Letter (PDF) Hearing Counsel process recommendations - Response
2022-07-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Request for submissions on process
2022-07-27 Hearing Counsel Submission (PDF) Process recommendations
2022-07-14 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Allegations Review Decision (Corrected)
2022-06-21 Hearing Counsel Submission (PDF) Reply Argument
2022-06-17 Parties (Complainants) Closing Arguments - Replies 
              Bajwa Farms Reply Submission (PDF)
              MPL Reply Submission (PDF)
              MPL Second Book Transcript Extracts (PDF)
              Prokam Reply Submission (PDF)
              Prokam Second Book Transcript Extracts (PDF)
2022-06-17 VMC Submission (PDF) Closing Arguments
2022-06-13 Parties (Non-complainants) Closing Arguments 
             Solymosi Cover Letter (PDF)
             Solymosi Closing Argument (PDF
             Solymosi Transcript Extract Book (PDF)
             BCFresh Closing Arguments (PDF)
             Commissioners Closing Arguments - Corrected (PDF)
             Commissioners Transcript Extracts Book - Corrected (PDF)
2022-05-30 Parties (Complainants) 

Closing Arguments
             Bajwa Farms Closing Arguments (PDF) 
             Bajwa Farms Transcript Extract Book (PDF)
             MPL Closing Arguments (PDF) 
             MPL Transcript Extract Book (PDF)
             Prokam Closing Arguments (PDF) 
             Prokam Transcript Extract Book - Corrected (PDF)

2022-05-16 Hearing Counsel Submission (PDF) Closing Arguments
2022-05-05 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling re Submissions
2022-05-03 Hearing Counsel Email (PDF) Schedule Closing Submissions
2022-04-29 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling re Glykherr and Solymosi
2022-03-18 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Hearing Continuation, Document Production, and Witness 
2022-03-15/16 Parties Responses to hearing schedule, document disclosure
                  Bajwa Farms (PDF)
                  BCFreshBCFresh 2 (PDF)
                  Commissioners (PDF)
                  MPL (PDF)
                  Prokam (PDF) 
                  Solymosi (PDF)
                  VMC (PDF)
2022-03-11 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Response CFP Order request
2022-03-11 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Submission Schedule 
2022-03-10 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Hearing schedule, document disclosure
2022-03-09 Prokam Letter (PDF) CFP Order request
2022-02-04 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Affidavit of Brian Meyer
2022-02-04 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Regarding Email Sent to Hearing Counsel
2022-02-03 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Regarding February 2, 2022 Adjournment Application
2022-01-30 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Documents Cabinet Confidence 
2022-01-30 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Ruling Meyer Affidavit Submission Schedule
2022-01-30 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Meyer Affidavit 
2022-01-26 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Preliminary Matters
2022-01-24 MPL Letter (PDF) Adjournment and Participation
2022-01-24 Solymosi Letter (PDF) Prokam Implied Undertaking 
2022-01-23 Prokam Letter (PDF) Relief Witnesses Document Disclosure 
2022-01-21 Solymosi Letter (PDF) Re-Prokam MPL Relief Witnesses Documents Adjournment
2022-01-21 Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Investigation Process and Prokam MPL Submissions
2022-01-21 Commissioners Letter (PDF) Re-Prokam MPL Relief Witnesses Documents MPL Participation
2022-01-21 BCFresh Letter (PDF) Re-Prokam Relief, Document Orders, Hearing Adjournment
2022-01-20 MPL Letter (PDF) Re-Prokam Adjournment 
2022-01-20 BCVMC Letter (PDF) Re-Prokam MPL Relief Witnesses Document Disclosure MPL Participation 
2022-01-18 Prokam  Letter (PDF) Re-Bifurcated Powers
2022-01-18 BCVMC Letter (PDF) Bifurcated Powers Question 
2022-01-18 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Submissions New Matters and Adjournment
2022-01-17 Prokam Letter (PDF) Witnesses Relief Request Adjournment
2022-01-17 Prokam  Letter (PDF) Admissibility of 2008 Transcript of Standing Joint Committee
2022-01-17 Commissioners Letter (PDF) Lead Evidence, Status in Hearing
2022-01-17 MPL Letter (PDF) Rationale for Participation 
2022-01-13 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Extension, Rules of Practice, Witnesses
2022-01-13 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Participation and Witnesses
2022-01-11 MPL Letter (PDF) Request Lead Evidence Witness Extension
2022-01-10 Prokam Letter (PDF) Request Lead Evidence Witness Extension PreHearing Conf. 
2022-01-10 BCVMC Letter (PDF) Admissibility 2008 Transcript Standing Joint Committee
2022-01-05 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Prehearing Submissions Schedule
2021-08-20 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Interim Orders on VMC Panels
2021-08-20 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Document Disclosure Extension for MPL
2021-08-19 BC Fresh BC Fresh re Prokam Marketing (PDF)
2021-08-19 MPL MPL re Document Disclosure Order Extension (PDF)
2021-07-09 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Interim Orders corrected
2021-07-09 BCFIRB Final Rules of Procedure (PDF)
2021-05-12 VMC VMC re Notice of Claim (PDF)
2021-05-27 Prokam Prokam and CFP re VMC request for decisions (PDF)
Prokam and CFP Schedule 1 (PDF)
Prokam and CFP Schedule 2 (PDF)
Prokam and CFP Schedule 3 (PDF)
2021-06-25 Parties

Commission Members (PDF); Attachment (PDF)
Commission General Manager Interim Orders (PDF) rules P & P (PDF)
Commission (PDF)
Prokam CFP Interim Orders (PDF); Attachment (PDF); Prokam CFP Rules P & P (PDF)

2021-06-08    VMC Letter (PDF) on agency applications and quorum
2021-06-08 Hira Letter (PDF) requesting pre hearing conference rescheduling



Written submissions in response to BCFIRB’s May 26, 2021 Notice of Review. The panel also received submissions with requests that they be received in camera. Those submissions are before the panel. The panel will consider whether it is in the interests of fairness for the submissions to be received on that basis.

BC Fresh (PDF)
CFP (PDF); CFP attachment (PDF)
Commission members (PDF)
Commission General Manager (PDF)
Commission (PDF)
Prokam (PDF); Prokam Schedule A (PDF)

2021-05-26 BCFIRB Notice of Supervisory Review (PDF)
2021-06-14 BCFIRB  Decision (PDF) on Participation and draft Interim Orders
2021-06-16 Bajwa Written submission (PDF) and attachment (PDF) in response to BCFIRB's May 26, 2021 Notice of Review.
2021-06-18 BCFIRB Notice (PDF) on Pre hearing conference rescheduling 
2021-06-18 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) on Final terms of reference and draft rules of practice and procedure
2021-06-18 BCFIRB Final Terms of Reference (PDF)
2021-07-09 Prokam Letter (PDF) providing clarification from pre hearing conference
                   Prokam Enclosure 1 (PDF)
                   Prokam Enclosure 2 (PDF)
                   Prokam Enclosure 3 (PDF)
2021-07-14 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Interim Order submission extension approval
2021-07-19 Prokam and CFP Letter (PDF) Response to July 9, 2021 Interim Orders Decision
2021-07-19 Newell and Lodder Letter (PDF) Response to July 9, 2021 Interim Orders Decision
2021-07-19 VMC Letter (PDF) Response to July 9, 2021 Interim Orders Decision
2021-07-19 MPL Letter (PDF) Response to July 9, 2021 Interim Orders Decision
2021-08-13 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Amended Rules of Procedure and Document Disclosure Order
2021-08-18 Prokam Letter (PDF) Response to July 9, 2021 Interim Orders Decision
2021-09-10 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Submission request on hearing adjournment and VMC panels composition
                 Appendix A (PDF) Investigation and Hearing Schedule
                 Appendix B (PDF) VMC counsel email re Mr. Royal
2021-09-13 VMC Letter (PDF) Response on VMC panels composition
2021-09-15 BCFIRB  Decision (PDF) Interim Orders Panel Amendment 
2021-09-15 Parties  Responses to hearing adjournment 
                 Bajwa Farms (PDF)
                 BCFresh (PDF)
                 Commissioners (PDF)
                 General Manager (PDF)
                 Prokam (PDF)
                 MPL (PDF)
                 VMC (PDF)
2021-09-16 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Oral Hearing Revised Dates
2021-09-24 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Interim Order Amending Order 54
2021-09-24 BCFIRB Hearing Counsel Letter (PDF) Investigation Schedule
2021-06-11 BCFIRB Update (PDF) Allegations Review Update 1
2021-10-07 BCFIRB  Update (PDF) Allegations Review Update 2
Contact BCFIRB




1 250 356-8945


PO Box 9129 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9B5


Read BCFIRB’s Protection of Confidentiality Rules (PDF) to learn how BCFIRB manages confidential information.