Complaint Process for Children & Teens

Last updated on March 17, 2025

If you're a child or teen, feel free to say something – especially if:

  • You need support or access to services
  • You need more help than you're getting
  • You didn't get the service you asked for
  • You were treated unfairly
  • You think nobody is listening to you
  • You don't know why something happened
  • Your needs were not met or your rights were ignored

Because speaking up can be hard, young people can use any of these options to voice a concern:

  • Try to resolve a problem with your social worker
  • Call one of the following numbers and ask to speak to a complaints specialist
  • Send an email to  – include your name, city, email, phone number, what your concern or feedback is and how and when we can reach you

Get an Advocate

An advocate is someone who helps you make a complaint by:

  • Identifying problems that need to be fixed
  • Attending meetings with you
  • Finding the right words to say
  • Giving you the confidence to speak up

Someone you know: An advocate can be a trusted friend, family member, foster parent, teacher or social worker. They must have your agreement before they can participate, and they should not take over or make decisions for you.

Representative for Children and Youth (RCY): The Representative and her staff advocate for all children and teens in B.C. by making sure their voices and views are heard and that their rights and interests are protected when decisions are made about them. They can help if you:

  • Feel your views are not being taken seriously
  • Aren't getting the services or assistance you need
  • Disagree with decisions others are making about your life
  • Don’t know where to go for help

When you call, someone from the team will listen to your problem and offer advice or help. Your privacy will be respected.

Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks: Get help with any concerns you may have about your experience being in care or making a complaint.

Youth in Custody

Youth in custody with a complaint about services, actions or decisions by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or an  Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency (ICFSA) can talk to any of these people who will make sure their complaint is heard and responded to as quickly as possible: