Frequently Asked Questions for Child Care Providers

Last updated on August 13, 2024

Updated:  December 21, 2023

On this page:

Information for unsuccessful applicants


We applied to become a $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centre. If we are not selected to move forward, can we request feedback about our application?

Due to the large volume of applications received, the program is not able to provide feedback on individual applications.

We recognize the time and effort it takes to apply to the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program. The ministry’s selection and negotiation process is based on the need to balance several key factors, including alignment with the program’s key priorities, the quality of the information received, and the capacity of both the applicant and the Ministry to complete negotiations. Some centres are not selected to move forward, not due to any deficiency in their application, but rather according to the framework of eligible expenses, budget availability, and the overall space target.


When will the next $10 a Day ChildCareBC intake period start?

Child care operators that were not selected to become a $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centre as part of the 2023 program expansion may have another opportunity to re-apply in the future.


Why are private child care providers not being prioritized in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centre expansion?

Funding for the 2023 expansion of the $10 a Day program comes from the Government of Canada under the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. Under this agreement, the Province is required to ensure operating funds are focused towards supporting public, not-for-profit, and Indigenous-led child care providers. However, licensed private sector providers were welcome to apply and will continue to benefit from government’s efforts to improve child care for families, including fee reductions, and to support recruitment and retention of skilled child care workers.


General information


What are the benefits of participating in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC Program?

Becoming a $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centre helps child care providers by offering enhanced, stable operating funding while ensuring families in your community have access to child care for no more than $10-a-day for full-time care. Participation in the $10 a Day program helps many families and communities throughout B.C. achieve access to child care as a core service that families can depend on when they need it and at a price they can afford.


Do I have to apply to the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program? If I do not apply, will I need to close my business?

Applying for the $10 a Day Program is not mandatory for any child care provider. The $10 a Day program is only one initiative under the ChildCareBC plan to deliver quality and affordable child care.

Licensed child care providers who do not apply may continue to be eligible for Child Care Operating Funding and the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative, and parents at your centre will continue to be eligible for the Affordable Child Care Benefit if they meet the criteria. For more information on the $10 a Day Program, please see the $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres website.


Are child care providers required to sign over ownership of their business, lease or mortgage to participate in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program?

Providers are not required to sign over ownership of their business, lease or mortgage; or provide any form of collateral or money to participate in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program.


Do unlicensed child care providers qualify for the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program?

At this time, only licensed child care providers who offer spaces to children 0-5 years old or multi-age programs are eligible to apply. If you are interested in becoming licensed, please contact your local health authority for additional information.

Start-Up Grants are available to assist with the costs associated with obtaining a licence for a centre in your personal residence.

If you are interested in expanding or building a new group centre, check out the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund.


Are there any grants, bursaries, or programs available for people who want to become ECE certified and work in a $10 a Day ChildCareBC Site?

There is a variety of information related to ECE education and training, certification, and bursaries available on the Support for Early Childhood Educators web page. Educators who are specifically interested in working at a $10 a Day ChildCareBC Site must seek employment opportunities directly with approved centres.


How can I stay up to date on child care initiatives in B.C.?

The ChildCareBC website has a variety of resources available with a dedicated section for Child Care providers. We also encourage you to sign up for the ChildCareBC Bulletin to receive regular ChildCareBC updates to your inbox.


After reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions and the $10 a Day program website, I still have questions. Who can I contact to answer my questions?

If you have specific questions about the $10 a Day program, please call the phone number listed below. Child care providers who are already enrolled in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program can contact their ministry co-ordinator directly.

Additionally, the ChildCareBC Engagement Team is happy to answer any general questions about ChildCareBC programs, and can be contacted at the email address listed below.

Contact Information:

For questions specific to the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program, please call 1 888 338-6622 (Option 7).

For general ChildCareBC questions, please contact

PO Box 9788 Stn Prov Gov, Victoria, B.C., V8W 9S5