Controlled Alien Species for Educational & Research Institutions

Last updated on June 10, 2024

Educational and research institutions in B.C. are required to have permits for possessing, breeding, shipping or transporting prohibited controlled alien species. Exotic animals are known as controlled alien species in B.C.

Educational Institutions

An educational institution must meet the definition of a “certified educational institution” as set out in the Controlled Alien Species Regulation in order to receive a permit.

A certified educational institution means an educational body, such as a designated B.C. college or university, that:

  • Is defined as such in Schedule 1 of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act
  • Holds a valid Certificate of Good Animal Practice from the Canadian Council on Animal Care

Research Institutions

A research institution must meet the definition of a “certified research institution” as set out in the Controlled Alien Species Regulation in order to receive a permit.

A certified research institution means an institution that:

  • Publishes the results of original research in a peer-reviewed scientific journal at least once a year
  • Holds a valid Certificate of Good Animal Practice from the Canadian Council on Animal Care

Apply for a Permit

Fill out the following application to request a Non-Personal Possession Permit for possession of a prohibited controlled alien species by a certified educational or research institution:

Please read the permit application and conditions carefully for a full outline of annual requirements for permitted certified educational and research institutions.


Applicants have three options for submitting their permit applications:

  1. Mail your permit application to

ATTN: Controlled Alien Species Permit
Wildlife Branch
Victoria, BC
V8W 9M8

  1. Email your application to

There are currently no fees for controlled alien species permits in B.C.

Please allow a minimum of 60 business days for your application to be reviewed and processed.

Rules for Possession

Once a Non-Personal Possession Permit has been granted, certified educational and research institutions will be able to:

  • Possess a controlled alien species as outlined in their Non-Personal Possession Permit
  • Ship and transport a controlled alien species, accompanied with its permit
  • Breed controlled alien species with a permit and approved management plan

Certified educational and research institutions will be prohibited from:

  • Releasing controlled alien species
  • Breaching a condition of their controlled alien species permit

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is responsible for setting, maintaining and overseeing the implementation of high standards for animal ethics and care in science throughout Canada.

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about controlled alien species.

Toll Free
1 877 855-3222
Controlled Alien Species
Victoria, BC
V8W 9M8