This page summarizes the emission sources that are in scope for the Carbon Neutral Government (CNG) program. This summary is not intended to provide legal advice.
The sources in scope in the CNG program are buildings, fleet, paper and business travel (provincial government only).
Sources are in scope if they are:
Read the organizational scope page for more information about when a PSO controls another organization, like a corporation or trust.
Learn more about:
The emissions included in the CNG program are:
A complete list of the included gases is in the schedule of the Carbon Neutral Government Regulation.
For more details about the scope of the CNG program refer to the Scope Summary for B.C. Public Sector GHG Emissions (PDF, 301KB).
To learn how in scope emissions are calculated refer to the Best Practices Methodology for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF, 1.1MB).
These are the most common greenhouse gases (GHGs). They come from burning fuels like natural gas, diesel, gasoline or coal.
Indirect energy emissions are the emissions produced by another entity when they create energy. Those emissions are in scope when that energy is purchased by a PSO.
The two most common examples of this in the CNG program are electricity and district energy, both are in scope for CNG reporting.
Refrigerants are used anytime things need to be kept cold or when heat pump technology is used. They often have a very high global warming potential and are usually released in tiny amounts during the lifetime of refrigeration equipment.
Some PSOs may have low refrigeration needs, if this is the case, refrigerants may be out of scope by the one percent rule.
For information about carbon neutral government, public sector leadership and for CGRT technical support, email