B.C. Offset Program consultations

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Open consultations

Each comment received will be evaluated, with appropriate changes being considered once the consultation period has concluded.

  • There are no open consultations at this time

Closed consultations

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Protocol

  • Draft Carbon Capture and Sequestration Protocol (PDF, 575KB)
  • The purpose of the CCS Protocol is to quantify greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements that result from projects sequestering captured carbon within British Columbia.

    Feedback window

    Opened: September 13, 2023
    Closed: December 14, 2023

Submissions collected during the engagement have been reviewed and are being considered in the establishment of the final version of the protocol. Read what we heard during the 2023 engagement (PDF, 406KB).

Forest Carbon Offset Protocol (FCOP)

​The purpose of FCOP is to quantify greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements by carbon sinks and reservoirs in forests.

Feedback window – Latest version

The feedback window for the latest version of the Draft FCOP:

Opened: February 2, 2023
Closed: April 7, 2023

Submissions collected during the engagement have been reviewed and were considered in the establishment of the final version of the protocol. Read what we heard during the 2023 engagement (PDF, 246KB).

Feedback window – Previous version

The feedback window for a previous version of the Draft FCOP

Opened: March 30, 2021
Closed: May 31, 2021

Information webinar

Held: April 14, 2021

View the FCOP webinar slide deck (PDF, 1MB).

In 2021, the government received 56 formal submissions in response to the draft FCOP 2.0 from Indigenous Nations, consultants, industry, environmental non-governmental organizations and others. Read What We Heard (PDF, 411KB) during the engagement.

B.C. Offset Protocol Policy (OPP)

The â€‹B.C. Offset Protocol Policy outlines steps for the development and maintenance of B.C.'s offset protocols. It's designed to increase transparency and encourage a diverse suite of protocols that deliver real, quantifiable, verifiable, permanent and additional emissions reductions and/or removals in B.C. in support of B.C.’s climate action goals.

Feedback window

Opened: March 18, 2022
Closed: April 17, 2022

Methane Management Offset Protocol (MMOP)

​The purpose of MMOP is to quantify greenhouse gas emission reductions from the management of methane emissions from organic waste. This includes:

  • Organic waste diversion
  • Landfill gas capture
  • The anaerobic digestion of wastewater treatment and agricultural wastes

The MMOP Technical Discussion Document (PDF, 366KB) provides a brief overview of the B.C. Offset Program, the contents of the draft protocol and identifies outstanding policy considerations.

Feedback window

Opened: June 3, 2021
Closed: August 3, 2021 (midnight)

Information webinar

Held: June 22, 2021

View the MMOP webinar slide deck (PDF, 1.1MB). The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy is also available to meet with interested parties upon request.

Contact information

To provide feedback on the B.C. Offset Program, please email GHGRegulator@gov.bc.ca.