B.C. Indigenous Climate Adaptation Working Group

Last updated on July 26, 2024

The B.C. Indigenous Climate Adaptation Working Group (ICAWG) is an Indigenous advisory group for the B.C. Climate Action Secretariat (CAS).


In British Columbia, Indigenous communities are disproportionately affected by climate change. Climate change-related events such as wildfires, flooding, and drought are more than just emergencies requiring response and management: climate changes to lands and waters impact Indigenous cultures, traditions, governance and identity. Furthermore, many Indigenous communities continue to face colonial impacts and structural barriers. Considering this, Indigenous communities require explicit consideration and planning support in their climate resilience. 

The Province acknowledges the need for meaningful and equitable involvement of Indigenous Peoples in strategic planning and decision-making for climate preparedness and adaptation. To ensure that Indigenous perspectives and laws are reflected and integrated into the Province’s climate resilience work, the Province has established the ICAWG. 


The overall mandate of ICAWG is to provide technical advice and collaborate with CAS on a broad range of matters related to preparing for and adapting to climate change. This technical advice and collaboration does not constitute free, prior, and informed consent and ICAWG does not constitute a consultative body nor fulfill the Province’s duty to consult with First Nations.  


ICAWG consists of members who identify as Indigenous and/or have been selected to represent an Indigenous community or organization. Membership is intended to be of broad geographic representation and balanced in terms of age, gender, and other diverse representation. At least one seat each will be reserved for an Elder representative, a youth representative, and the group will seek additional diverse perspectives including 2SLGBTQQIA+. 

See our list of ICAWG members.