Oil and gas

Last updated on January 12, 2023

BC Oil and Gas Commission

The BC Oil and Gas Commission is responsible for:

  • Managing oil and gas sites
    • Including the remediation of those sites under separate legislation and regulations

Under Division 6 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation, the site investigation and reporting requirements do not apply to operating areas under the Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA).

Submit a Site Disclosure Statement

Submit a Site Disclosure Statement (Online) to the registrar.

Send a copy to the BC Oil and Gas Commission if an operating area, as defined by the OGAA, is decommissioned or ceases operations.

The information on this web page does not replace the legislative requirements in the EMA or its regulations and it does not list all provisions for contaminated site services.

If there are differences between this information and the Act, Regulation, or Protocols, the Act, Regulation, and Protocols apply.