Air quality advisories

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Issued advisories

Location Advisory Type Status Date
Communities across B.C. Smoky Skies Bulletin Issued 2024-07-26

Advisories are updated during regular business hours.

Current Smoky Skies Bulletin map

Smoky Skies Bulletin Regions for 2024-07-26: Arrow Lakes - Slocan Lake, East Columbia, East Kootenay - north including Invermere, Greater Victoria, Kootenay Lake, Similkameen, South Thompson, West Columbia, West Kootenay, West Vancouver Island, Yoho Park - Kootenay Park.

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About air quality advisories

An air quality advisory is issued when pollutant concentrations approach or exceed predetermined limits, or when degraded-air-quality episodes are expected to continue or worsen.

Advisories are issued in order to:

  • inform about degraded air quality
  • help people make informed choices about reducing their exposure to elevated concentrations of air pollutants
  • affect emission reduction actions (such as a limit on industrial emissions or wood stove use)
  • provide vulnerable individuals and the general public with health advice developed by BC health agencies

About Smoky Skies Bulletins

The Smoky Skies Bulletin is a special type of public advisory to communicate the rapidly changing nature of wildfire smoke. It is issued when areas of the province are being impacted or have reasonable potential to be impacted by wildfire smoke within 24 to 48 hours. These bulletins are based on available pollutant concentrations information, satellite information, smoke forecast models and visual observations, and are not intended to manage local emission sources.

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